Title What your claim status means Content Page introduction Your claim status tells you where your claim is in the review process. Keep reading to learn about the terms we use for each stage of the process. Alert Calls to action Check your VA claim status Check your VA claim or appeal status Sign in or create an account https://www.va.gov/?next=/profile/ Generate a table of contents from major headings Off Main content Table Claim status What it means Claim received We received your claim. We haven’t assigned the claim to a reviewer yet. Initial review We assigned your claim to a reviewer. The reviewer will determine if we need any more information from you. Evidence gathering, review, and decision We’re getting evidence from you, your health care providers, government agencies, and other sources. We’ll review the evidence and make a decision. Preparation for notification We’ve made a decision on your claim. We’re getting your decision letter ready to mail to you. Complete We’ve sent you a decision letter by U.S. mail. This letter includes details about how we made the decision on your claim. Repeat CTA buttons Off VA Benefit Hubs Health care Apply for VA health care, find out how to access services, and manage your health and benefits online. Related Information What your decision review or appeal status means Claim status tool FAQs How to check your VA claim, appeal, or decision review status online Need more help? Select contacts Default contact CONTACT INFORMATION MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411 Article categories Primary category Other topics and questions Tags Topics Claims and appeals status Audience Beneficiaries Beneficiaries All Veterans Section Sitewide content team
Health care Apply for VA health care, find out how to access services, and manage your health and benefits online.