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Why do I owe money to VA?


You could owe us money for different reasons. These are 2 of the most common reasons:

Copayments. You received care at a VA health facility and you're in a priority group that requires you to pay copayments.

Learn more about VA copay rates

Benefit overpayments. We paid you, or your school, more than you were eligible to receive for a VA benefit payment. We often refer to this type of debt as an overpayment.

An overpayment can happen for any of these reasons:

  • If you don’t report a life change that affects your eligibility, or
  • If you report a change, but we can't update your benefit amount before your next payment, or
  • Because of an error, like a double payment

If you have questions about why you owe us money, call the related VA benefit or health care office. 

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