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Why does WAVE say I don’t have a record on file?


You won’t have a record on file in WAVE if either of these is true:

  • We haven’t processed your enrollment paperwork yet, or
  • You've been out of school for 6 months and your WAVE record is inactive

Note: If we haven’t processed your paperwork, it could be because we haven’t received it from your school yet. Or we may have received it, but we’re still working on getting you in the system. We receive more enrollment paperwork from schools at the start of each semester, so it can take us weeks to process all of it. 

You also won’t have a record on file in WAVE if you’re receiving any of these benefits that don’t use WAVE to verify enrollment:

  • Post-9/11 GI Bill, VEAP, or DEA for a college degree program
  • Tuition Assistance Top-Up
  • An accelerated payment
  • On-the-job training and apprenticeships
  • Flight training
  • Correspondence training
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