
Pamela McAnally

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Associate Director Patient/Nursing Service
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Pam McAnally, MSN, RN, is the Associate Direct for Patient Care Services for Salem VA Medical Center.
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Ms. McAnally is responsible for management and oversight to the facility’s Nursing Service, Chaplin Service, and Sterile Processing Service. She previously served as the Chief Nurse of Specialty Care since 2015, where she was responsible for nursing personnel in the OR/PACU, Medical and Surgical Specialty Clinics, Preadmission Clinic, Outpatient Surgery and Procedural Unit, Interventional Radiology, Cardiac Cath and Recovery, Dialysis, and Chemo Infusion Unit. Ms. McAnally also completed a detail as the Acting Associate Director for Patient Care Services at the Marion, Illinois VA Medical Center from August 2017 to February 2018.

Ms. McAnally joined the Salem VA Medical Center in 2005 as a staff nurse in the Day Hospital/Pain Clinic and has also served as a Nurse Manager for several of the procedural and specialty clinics. Prior to coming to the Salem VAMC, Ms. McAnally was a business owner and case manager for workers’ compensation injuries, long term disability, long term care assessment, and medical reviews. She also has previous ICU and free-standing surgery center experience.

Ms. McAnally received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Radford University in 1987. She completed her Master of Science in Healthcare Systems Management from Loyola University in 2010.

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