
Knights of Columbus donate 90 wheelchairs to Salem VAMC

Retired Marine David Wyble, Grand Knight of the Salem Council 10015 of the Knights of Columbus, presents 90 wheelchairs to the Salem VA Medical Center August 15.
Retired Marine David Wyble, Grand Knight of the Salem Council 10015 of the Knights of Columbus, presents 90 wheelchairs to the Salem VA Medical Center August 15.
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Ninety wheelchairs were donated to the Salem VA Medical Center August 15 by representatives from the Salem Council 10015 Knights of Columbus.
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Ninety wheelchairs were donated to the Salem VA Medical Center August 15 by representatives from the Salem Council 10015 Knights of Columbus.

David Wyble, Grand Knight of Salem Council 10015 and himself a retired Marine, presented the wheelchairs to Rebecca Stackhouse, Executive Director of the Salem VA Healthcare System during a short ceremony in the VAMC’s auditorium.

“The Council decided we’d go ahead a do a fund drive for wheelchairs for the Veterans Medical Center – we knew they were in dire need of wheelchairs, (which come from) the American Wheelchair Foundation and the Global Wheelchair Mission and through the generous people of Southwest Virginia area who raised $16,500,” Wyble said.

After Wyble presented the chairs, Knights of Columbus State Deputy Pat Rowland (US Navy, Retired) praised the collective efforts of the Salem Council and told Stackhouse that he was appreciative of the support the VA had given the Knights, and that, “we’ll continue working with you - you know the Knights will always be here if you need us.”

Father Kevin Segerblom performed a Blessing of the Chairs, stating in part, “the gratitude in our hearts today for the many Veterans who have served our country so well; sacrificing of themselves for the protection of our people, our land, and our values.”

After accepting the chairs, Stackhouse presented a plaque to Wyble in appreciation for the efforts of the Salem Council and the Knights of Columbus, adding, “when we discuss our needs with our community partners, wheelchairs come up top on the list and I appreciate the Salem Council for their willingness to take this on and their generosity. I know Veterans will make great use of these and be forever grateful to you for this donation. On behalf of the Medical Center and the Veterans we serve, thank you for your fantastic and generous support.”