
South Texas VA Assistive Technologies Fair

Teaser description
Come join us on Thursday, Nov. 3 and check out how the AT shop uses technology to solve problems and improve Veterans' quality of life
Date and time
- (11:30am - 3:00pm EDT)
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AT Fair Flyer.png
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The South Texas VA is hosting its inaugural Assistive Technologies Fair on Thursday, November 3.
Full event description

South Texas Veterans Health Care System hosting inaugural Assistive Technology Fair

Who:               The STVHCS Assistive Technology (AT) program is hosting a technology fair that is open to the public.

What:              AT is displaying and demonstrating different technologies so patients and staff can learn about the mission of the AT program and the equipment and programs they offer Veterans that improves their health and quality of life.    

When:              Thursday, November 3, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. with an exoskeleton gait therapy

                         patient demonstration from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Where:            The Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital, Recreation Room

                        7400 Merton Minter Blvd.

                        San Antonio, Texas 78229


Additional details: Here are the technologies that will be on display or available for demonstration

Assistive Communication

Seating & Wheeled Mobility

Adapted Computer Access

Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing

Environmental Control Units (ECU)

Adaptive Driver Controls/Automobile Mods

Adaptive Sports

Blind/Low Vision Service & Equipment

Hearing Impaired – Service & Devices

Upper and Lower Limb Prosthesis & Orthotics

Simple Low-Tech Devices

Provider-to-Patient Communication

Smart Seat Cushion

Indigo/Exoskeleton Gait Therapy

Building, floor, or room
Recreation Room

United States

Location type
At a VA facility
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