For the 2023 Point-In-Time Count (PITC), the South Texas VA HUD/VASH team and their volunteers were joined by STVHCS Executive Director, Dr. Julianne Flynn and Associate Director for Patient Care Services, Dr. Valerie Rodriguez-Yu, to complete the count.
The HUD/VASH team participates in the count annually, which is led by the South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless (SARAH). The volunteers from South Texas break down into teams and are responsible for engaging with the homeless population in their respective geographic sectors.
The team’s presence is critical to locating and accurately identifying the local homeless population because the results are tied to federal funding. It is a daunting task, initially completed at night, in hazardous conditions like overpasses and under bridges.
The following day the teams look for encampments with the help of local law enforcement. In addition to logging the homeless into a database, the team brings with them resource materials, blankets, snacks and hygiene kits. The results from the PITC will be available in early summer.
Thank you to Chief of Social Work Service, Mr. Victor Lennhoff and his entire team for demonstrating that everyone counts in San Antonio & Bexar County.