
Changes for Check-in and Travel Pay

Picture of sky and a road for travel pay
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For several years Veterans could check-in for appointments and file claims for travel pay using the self-service kiosks at the St. Cloud VA Medical Center and our community clinics.
VA has phased out use of the kiosks and they are no longer available.
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To check-in at appointments Veterans can simply visit the staff member at the clinic reception desk. Staff can also assist with updating insurance and contact information.

To file travel pay claims Veterans can use either the web-based Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS) or submit a paper claim form.  While paper claim submissions are available, they take longer to process and do not offer the advantages of BTSSS.

BTSSS provides an easy to use web-based application that allows you to enter and track your claim over the internet via AccessVA. This ensures timely processing and payment of travel reimbursements and reduces manual intervention and improper claim payments through automated features.

What to do before you file your first claim

Filing a claim using BTSSS

View our informational pamphlet How to file a travel pay claim online . You can use your smartphone or personal computer to log on to AccessVA using your DSLogon, Login.gov, ID.me or MyHealtheVet account credentials.

If you don’t have one of these accounts, you can create a Login.gov or ID.me account and then sign in.

File a paper claim

You can also file your claim by mail, fax, or in person at the VA facility where you received care. To do this, you’ll need to fill out a Veteran/Beneficiary Claim for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses (VA Form 10-3542).

Get VA Form 10-3542 to download 

Paper forms are also available at the St. Cloud VA Travel Office in Bldg. 5, Rm. 119, and at the community clinics.

Read the statements and certifications carefully. Then sign and date your form. Mail, fax, or take your completed form and receipts in person to the VA facility where you received care. If you mail your claim, we consider the postmark date the date of submission.

Beneficiary Travel eligibility

For Veterans

As a Veteran, you may be eligible for reimbursement if you meet the requirements listed here.

This must be true:

You’re traveling for care at a VA health facility or for VA-approved care at a non-VA health facility in your community.

And at least one of these must also be true:

  • You have a VA disability rating of 30% or higher, or
  • You’re traveling for treatment of a service-connected condition, even if your VA disability rating is less than 30%, or
  • You receive a VA pension, or
  • You have an income that’s below the maximum annual VA pension rate, or
  • You can’t afford to pay for your travel, as defined by our guidelines, or
  • You’re traveling for one of these reasons: A scheduled VA claim exam (also called a compensation and pension, or C&P, exam), to get a service dog, or for VA-approved transplant care 

For caregivers

VA may pay for transportation and related lodging and meals for non-Veterans if the person meets any of these requirements.

At least one of these must be true:

  • The person is your family caregiver under the National Caregiver Program traveling to receive caregiver training or to support your care, or
  • The person is your medically required attendant traveling with you to support your care, or
  • The person is your transplant care donor or support person

Learn more! 

For more information please visit: https://www.va.gov/health-care/get-reimbursed-for-travel-pay/