First sentence (lede)
A virtual Veterans town hall meeting focused on improving VA health care services and programs for women Veterans is scheduled on Dec. 6, 2022, at 5 p.m., for Veterans served by the St. Cloud VA Health Care System.
Body text
A virtual Veterans town hall meeting focused on improving VA health care services and programs for women Veterans is scheduled on Dec. 6, 2022, at 5 p.m., for Veterans served by the St. Cloud VA Health Care System. The virtual town hall meeting provides women Veterans the chance to hear from and have concerns addressed by St. Cloud VA officials while observing social distancing guidelines.
Veterans can visit to attend the virtual meeting.
Veterans may also call in via telephone (audio only) to listen to the meeting at 1-872-701-0185, conference ID 389 441 566#.
If using a smart phone to access the town hall meeting, please download the Microsoft Teams application that is found in the application store on your smartphone. The application can be found by searching for Microsoft Teams.
If using a computer, simply click the link provided and select “Watch on the web instead.”