Syracuse VA Police to Participate in Medication Take Back Day Saturday, October 29, 10am-2pm
Syracuse, NY
United States
Syracuse VA Medical Center Police will help both Veterans and non-Veterans dispose of their old, unused or expired prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including controlled substance prescription medications by providing postage paid disposal envelopes/containers that can be used to safely dispose of these drugs.
The envelopes/containers will be available on Saturday, October 29th between the hours of 10am and 2pm at the Emergency Department and garage entrances of the Medical Center located at 800 Irving Ave. in Syracuse.
Proper disposal of unused drugs saves lives and protects the environment. In the wrong hands, legal medications can be just as dangerous as street drugs when taken without a prescription or a doctor’s supervision. The non-medical use of prescription drugs is the second-most common form of drug abuse in America.
Veterans and the general public are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. For more information call VA Police at 315-425-4336.