Health Connect is VA’s new virtual service that makes it easier for you to get “The Right Care, Right Now.”
Calling 1-800-877-6976 VA Health Connect seamlessly connects Veterans to the quality health care services they need and expect to achieve their desired health goals and outcomes.
Here are just some of the options available through VA Health Connect:
★ Talk to a provider
★ Ask questions about medications
★ Refill medications
★ Address mental health concerns
★ Receive lab test results
★ Schedule, verify, or reschedule Primary Care appointments
What to expect when you call.
A VA provider will review your medical records, give advice and treatment options, and follow up with your health care team.
A cell phone, tablet, or computer with a speaker and microphone is required to meet virtually with your VA provider. Call the VA Video Connect Help Desk at 866-651-3180 for technical assistance.
NOTE: VA Health Connect is not a substitute for an emergency department.
Veterans with medical or mental health emergencies should call 911 or the Veterans Crisis Line or go to the nearest emergency department.