Title Veteran Town Hall Meta Teaser description Join us for the bimonthly Veteran Town Hall August 2 at 5 p.m. CT on Mircrosoft Teams. Content Date and time Tue, Aug 2 2022, 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT Event image Vet Town Hall 8.2.22 Hidden in media library Section VA Tennessee Valley health care Full event description Join us for the bimonthly Veteran Town Hall August 2 at 5 p.m. CT on Mircrosoft Teams. You'll hear the latest news and updates happening throughout VA Tennessee Valley including resources from our mental health experts, tips and tricks about My HealtheVet, how community care works and more. To join the meeting, click the link provided, and we recommend joining 10 minutes early to ensure your audio connection is good. All attendees will be muted so there's no interruptions. We recommend joining the virtual meeting from your computer or smartphone. This will let you see the slide presentation. If you prefer, you can call-in and listen to the meeting by dialing 1-872-701-0185 and entering access code: 333 385 379#. URL https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=/_%23/l/meetup-join/1… Location-related Address United States Location type Online Registration related Registration is required for this event No Cost Free Curation Featured Off Order 1st Include registration information Off