Tomah VA Medical Center presents, “The Wisdom of Trauma- a screening and facilitated discussion." The event includes two parts. First, participants will watch the documentary screening of the film The Wisdom of Trauma. Then, they will join together for a Live Talk event.
We are so excited to offer this screening of The Wisdom of Trauma as a way to build understanding of the impacts of trauma and how to build resilience, a foundational first step to becoming trauma informed. The Tomah VA is offering a facilitated discussion following the screening to explore together the connection between individual and collective trauma, examine opportunities for compassion and seek to create change from an individual level to organizational and systemic shifts that promote healing and community.
The Tomah VA Medical Center began its path towards a Trauma Informed Care systems transformation with a VHA Innovation Program funded pilot project in 2018. Since that time, the project has grown and strengthened through key partnerships, including with the Chillicothe VAMC, Trauma Informed Community for Monroe County, and growing VA-wide communities of practice.
The mission of the Trauma Informed Care Committee at the Tomah VAMC is to promote awareness and delivery of trauma-informed care throughout our VA for the benefit of our Veterans, our employees, and our community. Research supports that there is high lifetime prevalence of trauma in the general population, with groups including Veterans and healthcare workers at higher risk. Being trauma informed shifts the culture at all levels of the agency to respond to this trauma and to foster resiliency.