VAAAHS has implemented new COVID-19 precautions to its visitor policy
All patients and visitors must continue to wear masks and observe social distancing while at the LTC Charles S. Kettles VA Medical Center or Community Based Outpatients Clinics in Adrian, Flint, Jackson, or Toledo. Visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entering any VAAAHS facility.
Visitors for outpatient procedures are highly discouraged at this time. However, Veterans attending any VAAAHS facility for outpatient appointments may have one visitor, if needed, to accompany them to the outpatient clinic, emergency department, or ambulatory procedural visit.
Inpatient visiting hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., daily. Inpatient Veterans receiving routine medical care are allowed one visitor at a time in their room. There is no time limit to the duration of the visit if it does not interfere with the ability to deliver care. VAAAHS staff may require certain visitors to wear additional Personal Protective Equipment.
Visitors wishing to see Veterans receiving End of Life care will be accommodated whenever possible. While visits should be limited and not interfere with the ability to deliver care, there is no absolute limit on the number or length of visits per day. Visiting hours for Veterans receiving End of Life care are 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. VAAAHS highly encourages collaboration between primary care teams and families of the Veteran receiving End of Life care.
All inpatient and outpatient visitors with non-urgent concerns should contact the Patient Advocates Office by emailing or call 734-845-5615 during normal business hours.
Emergency concerns after hours should call 734-845-5279 or 734-842-2122.