Title Important Updates Pages for the following VAMC systems Operating status | VA Bay Pines health care Content Alert type Information COVID-19 Vaccines + Flu Shots: We offer COVID-19 vaccinations and flu shots to all Veterans who are enrolled in our healthcare system. For more information, visit our vaccine information page. BPVAHCS' Visitation Policy as of April 6, 2022: Visitation is currently open at the C.W.Y main campus, Lee County Healthcare Center, and all VA Clinics. This applies to all areas at C.W.Y except the Community Living Center and Hospice, which remain on a phased visitation plan. Screening and masking requirements still apply to all visitors and social distancing is highly encouraged at all sites. Visitation restrictions may be re-instituted if community positivity rates begin to rise. For more information, visit our policies page. Display "Get updates on affected services and facilities" link No Display "Find other VA facilities near you" link? No Display "Subscribe to email updates" link? Off Behavior Alert dismissable? No Send email update on this situation No Limit banner display to the home and the Operating Status page(s) Off