Title Flu shots are now available for Veterans! Pages for the following VAMC systems Operating status | VA Chillicothe health care Content Alert type Information Flu shots are now available for Veterans! Getting vaccinated is the best protection against flu. Getting your shot each year is the first step to reducing the spread of flu. Veteran and employee safety is priority #1 and we encourage everyone to get their flu shot. We are offering a walk-in flu vaccination clinic in building 31, Primary Care lobby, 1st floor. The clinic is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. They are offering both flu and Covid vaccinations. Display "Get updates on affected services and facilities" link Yes Display "Find other VA facilities near you" link? No Display "Subscribe to email updates" link? On Behavior Alert dismissable? No Send email update on this situation Yes Limit banner display to the home and the Operating Status page(s) On