Title Clayton-East Raleigh VA CBOC Primary Care Appointments Resume Content Alert type Information Veterans, The Clayton-East Raleigh VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic is now open for Primary Care appointments. Specialty Care appointments are still at limited capacity. For Mental Health appointments, please call (919) 416-8010 or (919) 359-6810 for more information. We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing our Veterans. Please know our staff is dedicated and working hard to restore patient care services at our Clayton-East Raleigh VA CBOC. We will send another message out when services are restored. Thank you for patience and understanding during this time. And, as always, thank you for your service to our nation. Display "Get updates on affected services and facilities" link No Display "Find other VA facilities near you" link? Yes Display "Subscribe to email updates" link? Off Behavior Alert dismissable? No Send email update on this situation No Limit banner display to the home and the Operating Status page(s) Off