Title Coronavirus Pages for the following VAMC systems Operating status | VA Eastern Colorado health care Content Alert type Information COVID-19 vaccines: All Veterans, spouses and caregivers can get a COVID-19 vaccine at VA ECHCS by appointment or walk-in clinic. Visit our vaccine and testing information page. Prepare for a visit: Face masks are required in all VA health care facilities but other safety protocols will adjust based on facility COVID-19 health protection levels. To know what to expect, check protection levels on our locations page. Before visiting a patient, review our visitation policy. For the latest coronavirus information: Visit the CDC website. Display "Get updates on affected services and facilities" link No Display "Find other VA facilities near you" link? No Display "Subscribe to email updates" link? Off Behavior Alert dismissable? Yes Send email update on this situation No Limit banner display to the home and the Operating Status page(s) Off