Operational Status
Your safety is our top priority. We have officially initiated our Emergency Response team in preparation of Tropical Storm Nicole. Based on the storm’s projected path and out of an abundance of caution, at this time our health care services are to follow in the coming days:
- Nov. 9: We encourage Veterans to request changing their appointments scheduled in the afternoon time to morning hours or transfer to a virtual modality, such as VA Video Connect.
- Nov. 10: The medical center and surrounding Community Based Outpatient Clinics are scheduled to be closed and all appointments are to be rescheduled/cancelled.
Please keep in mind, the closure status does not apply to the Emergency Department located at our medical center and will remain open 24/7. Veterans experiencing a medical or mental health emergency are advised to dial 9-1-1 or visit the nearest open emergency room. For non-emergent matters it is recommended to contact the 24/7 VISN 8 Clinical Contact Center at 1-877-741-3400 for virtual care and support.
Pharmacy Refills
The Emergency Pharmacy Refill Program (aka Heritage Health) is now activated until Monday, Nov. 14. Veterans can visit local community retail pharmacies to obtain refills.
To obtain refills at community Pharmacies please have handy the following:
- An empty active VA prescription bottle (not older than 6 months and with refills available)
- Or a new VA prescription on a VA form by an authorized VA provider (this does not include controlled substances)
- If a Veteran has lost medications or no longer has either option listed above, call our Medical Center at 561-422-1200 or the VISN 8 Clinical
- Contact Center at 1-877-741-3400
For more information, please contact the Heritage Health Customer Care Line (Open weekdays @ 7 a.m.- 11 p.m. and weekends @ 9 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.) for both Veterans and Pharmacies at 1-866-265-0124, option 1.
More updates are to follow. We appreciate your understanding and hope you and your loved ones remain safe! For the latest WPBVAHCS status updates, visit https://www.va.gov/west-palm-beach-health-care/operating-status/#emergency-information.