
Palliative and hospice care at VA Walla Walla health care

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Patient friendly name
Serious illness, hospice and end-of-life care

Palliative care focuses on comfort, quality of life and reducing suffering. Hospice care is a type of palliative care offered to patients with life-threatening illness under certain conditions.

Type of care
Specialty care
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What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care services at the Jonathan M. Wainwright VA are provided by an interdisciplinary team consisting of a medical provider, social worker, nurse, chaplain and mental health provider. The team’s focus is on identifying and providing help in achieving the Veteran’s goals of care. The team addresses any physical symptoms, family coping, emotional or spiritual distress and access to needed resources. 

The Palliative Care Consult Team (PCCT) works in conjunction with PACT to serve Veterans.  Any Veteran with a chronic serious illness such as heart diseases, COPD, COVID, cancers,  liver diseases, chronic kidney diseases, etc. can be referred for palliative care services. The palliative care team will connect with the Veteran to provide palliative support via telephone, VA Video Connect (VVC) or face-to-face.

For questions, please contact Sandra Lenz, Palliative Care Coordinator at 509-525-5200 ext. 26715 or David Aguilar, Palliative COVID Coordinator at ext. 26458.

Get additional information at VA's Geriatrics and Extended Care website.