
Improving Health Through Weight Loss In 2023

Six Veterans ride on one red group-style bicycle outside the Washington DC VA Medical Center campus as a way to get active during a Whole Health event.
This week's Wellness Wednesday article covers weight loss resources available to Veterans at the Washington DC VA Medical Center.
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A new year is an opportunity to set new goals or refresh old ones for many. Common New Year’s resolutions include losing weight, eating healthier and working out more, but these can also be some of the toughest changes to make.
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Washington DC VA Medical Center offers many resources, both online and in-person, for Veterans hoping to improve their health in 2023. Check out the following programs to learn how we can help you reach your weight loss goals this year.

MOVE! is the VA’s Weight Management Program. It is designed to address the unique weight loss needs of Veterans through two overarching recommendations: reducing the number of calories you consume each day and increasing your activity level. Using the latest information in nutrition science, a multidisciplinary team will evaluate any health conditions you may have and work with you to establish a plan that meets your unique preferences, lifestyle and activity needs.

Dieticians are available to help you evaluate and modify your diet to reduce any unnecessary calories while MOVE! coordinators can help you find ways to increase your activity level.

MOVE! connects you with other Veterans working on weight loss goals through highly effective, clinician-led group sessions. These groups provide discussion opportunities and support on weight loss and weight maintenance. You can also sign up to receive daily educational or motivational reminders and clinician contact directly to your phone or computer with TeleMOVE! Or, if you prefer to manage your weight on your own, check out the MOVE! Coach for iOS or Android devices in the app store.

Learn more about the MOVE! program and read success stories from Veterans like you here: Success Stories - MOVE! Weight Management Program (va.gov)

My HealtheVet is the VA's online personal health record. Here you can find food and activity journals, mental health screening tools, a Veterans Health Library and the ability to track appointments and order prescription refills. These tools are designed to support Veterans in taking control of their health and their lives. Learn more and access My HealtheVet here: Home - My HealtheVet - My HealtheVet (va.gov)

Weight loss medications and bariatric surgery treatment options may also be available to you if you struggle with weight-related issues. Talk to your primary care provider to see if this is a good option for you.

Losing weight can help prevent or reverse certain diseases, improve your quality of life and help you live longer. If you’re overweight, shedding just five percent of your body weight can reduce your chance of developing heart disease, diabetes, gallstones, sleep apnea and cancer.

If you’re ready to make a change, Washington DC VA Medical Center is here to help you. Schedule an appointment to talk to your primary care provider about the MOVE! Program and other weight loss resources available to you.