
Let's Connect!

A graphic to advertise Washington DC VA Medical Center's social media platforms and ways to connect with Washington DC VA Medical Center online and virtually.
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Washington DC VA Medical Center offers several ways to stay informed about VA services, health programs and wellness events.
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Connect with us on social media, radio and online to stay up to date about what’s happening at your local VA medical center.

“Follow” and “Like” us on Facebook and Twitter for daily messages, articles and information about VA care and events happening near you.

Click the links: 

Facebook        Twitter

Visit our official website and subscribe to receive Washington DC VA Health Care news, announcements and emergency notifications emailed right to your inbox.

Tune your radio to Veterans and Community Health Sunday Magazine on WMAL 105.9 FM, every Sunday at 5 a.m. to hear from VA and community organizations about services and benefits available to Veterans living in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.