
Minority Veteran care at VA Western New York health care

VHA health service name and description

We offer resources and support for minority Veterans to help address your specific needs with benefits and services at VA.

Type of care
Social programs and services
Health Service API ID
Type of Care
Counseling services
Service description
If you’re a Veteran from a minority community, we can help you find counseling, support, and referral services to meet your specific needs.
This is a required Vet Center service
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VAMC system description

If you’re a minority Veteran, we can help you get the services and benefits you need. Our Minority Veterans Program serves all Veterans who are Black American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Native American (including American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Island Americans). We work to:

  • Help the medical center address minority Veterans’ needs
  • Meet minority Veterans’ needs in the local community
  • Identify barriers and create a more accessible environment for minority Veterans
  • Inform minority Veterans of VA benefits, services, and programs

Learn more and connect with a care coordinator

Facility descriptions

Minority Veteran care - Buffalo VA Medical Center

VHA health service name and description

We offer resources and support for minority Veterans to help address your specific needs with benefits and services at VA.

Type of care
Social programs and services
Health Service API ID
Type of Care
Counseling services
Service description
If you’re a Veteran from a minority community, we can help you find counseling, support, and referral services to meet your specific needs.
This is a required Vet Center service
Show for VAMC Facilities
Show for Vet Centers
VAMC system description of service

If you’re a minority Veteran, we can help you get the services and benefits you need. Our Minority Veterans Program serves all Veterans who are Black American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Native American (including American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Island Americans). We work to:

  • Help the medical center address minority Veterans’ needs
  • Meet minority Veterans’ needs in the local community
  • Identify barriers and create a more accessible environment for minority Veterans
  • Inform minority Veterans of VA benefits, services, and programs

Learn more and connect with a care coordinator

Is a referral required?
Are walkins accepted?
Is online scheduling available for this service?