
Internships and fellowships

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VA Alaska offers internships and fellowships in a variety of areas. Learn more about our academic affiliations and other heath training programs.
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VA Alaska health care provides training programs for students at the college, university, and postgraduate levels. Explore our training programs to find out about how we can help you start your career as a health care professional.
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Internships and fellowships

Psychology Internship Program 

The Alaska VA Psychology Internship Program is committed to the development and training of doctoral level psychology interns as a generalist training program.  The internship program is central to the identity of the Psychology Service at the Alaska VA, is highly valued by our leadership, and represents a long-standing and passionate investment on the part of our psychology staff.  The training program adheres to a scholar-practitioner model of psychology, and the year-long internship is organized accordingly, with a thoughtfully planned and sequenced array of experiences that includes two six-month rotations with adjunctive, supplemental training opportunities throughout.  Our program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association (APA); the next site visit will be during the academic year 2028.  For our brochure and general information about our program, please refer to the link below.


Applications for the 2023-2024 training year are due no later than November 20, 2022.  Applicants should use the APPIC Online Application Process.  To view the APPIC Directory, please go to the APPIC website (https://www.appic.org/).  The National Matching Service can also be accessed through the APPIC website, or directly through the NMS website (www.natmatch.com/psychint/).
•    APPIC Program Number: 2067
•    NMS Match Number: 206711


Applicants must be a doctoral student in good standing at an American Psychological Association (APA) or Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) accredited graduate program in Clinical, Counseling, or Combined psychology or Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) accredited program in Clinical Science.  Persons with a doctorate in another area of psychology who meet the APA or CPA criteria for respecialization training in Clinical, Counseling, or Combined Psychology are also eligible.  Applicants must be approved for internship status by their graduate program training director.  For general information pertaining to eligibility requirements for an VA psychology internship, please refer to the information and links below pertaining to VA psychology trainees.  If you have more specific questions regarding eligibility requirements, including drug testing and background checks, please refer to the OPM website (https://www.opm.gov/).

•    Resources for Health Professions Trainees Coming to VA | Eligibility and Forms - Office of Academic Affiliations
•    Am I Eligible? Checklist for VA HPTs
•    Trainee Qualifications and Credentials Verification Letter (TQCVL) - Office of Academic Affiliations (va.gov)
•    VA Drug-Free Workplace Program Guide for Veterans Health Administration Health Professions Trainees
•    Of note, the VA has also mandated that all health professions trainees adhere to the VA requirement for COVID vaccination, requiring that trainees be fully vaccinated or have an exemption filed (medical or religious).


Please contact the Training Director or Assistant Training Director for further information about the Alaska VA Psychology Internship Program:

Micol Levi-Minzi, Psy.D.      
Training Director, Psychology Internship Program
1201 N. Muldoon Rd. 
Anchorage, AK 99504
Email: Micol.Levi-Minzi@va.gov
Phone: 907-406-4237

Amy Hufstedler, Ph.D. 
Deputy Training Director, Psychology Internship Program
PAWS/PTSD Psychologist, Alaska VA Healthcare System
1201 N. Muldoon Rd. 
Anchorage, AK 99504
Email: Amy.Hufstedler@va.gov
Phone: 907-257-4908