
Returning service member care at VA Albany health care

VHA health service name and description
Patient friendly name
Post-9/11 Veterans (OEF, OIF, OND) transition and care management services

If you’re returning from military service, we can help you readjust to civilian life and get started with VA health care. We can also help connect you with programs like mental health services and education and career counseling.

Type of care
Social programs and services
Health Service API ID
Type of Care
Counseling services
Patient friendly name
Transition counseling
Service description
If you’re returning from military service, we’ll help you transition to civilian life. We can connect you with educational and career counseling, mental health services, and other programs and benefits that will support your transition.
This is a required Vet Center service
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VAMC system description

Returning service member care (Post 9/11 Military to VA Program-M2VA)

The Albany Stratton VA Medical Center provides health care and other benefits to all Veterans, including Post 9/11 Veterans, including those who have served in theaters of combat operations and those who are still on active duty or an activated member of the National Guard or Reserve. Talk to a care coordinator about the health care benefits you’ve earned through your service and let us assist you with your transition from military to VA.

Learn more about the M2VA program or connect with a coordinator at Returning Service Member Care-Post 9/11 Military to VA Program-M2VA | VA Albany Health Care | Veterans Affairs

Facility descriptions

Returning service member care - Samuel S. Stratton Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center

VHA health service name and description
Patient friendly name
Post-9/11 Veterans (OEF, OIF, OND) transition and care management services

If you’re returning from military service, we can help you readjust to civilian life and get started with VA health care. We can also help connect you with programs like mental health services and education and career counseling.

Type of care
Social programs and services
Health Service API ID
Type of Care
Counseling services
Patient friendly name
Transition counseling
Service description
If you’re returning from military service, we’ll help you transition to civilian life. We can connect you with educational and career counseling, mental health services, and other programs and benefits that will support your transition.
This is a required Vet Center service
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VAMC system description of service

Returning service member care (Post 9/11 Military to VA Program-M2VA)

The Albany Stratton VA Medical Center provides health care and other benefits to all Veterans, including Post 9/11 Veterans, including those who have served in theaters of combat operations and those who are still on active duty or an activated member of the National Guard or Reserve. Talk to a care coordinator about the health care benefits you’ve earned through your service and let us assist you with your transition from military to VA.

Learn more about the M2VA program or connect with a coordinator at Returning Service Member Care-Post 9/11 Military to VA Program-M2VA | VA Albany Health Care | Veterans Affairs

Is a referral required?
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