
Returning service member care (Post 9/11 Military to VA Program-M2VA)

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VA Albany health care provides health care, counseling, and other benefits for the newest Veterans returning from service in the armed forces.
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The Albany Stratton VA Medical Center provides health care and other benefits to all Veterans, including Post 9/11 Veterans and those who have served in theaters of combat operations as well as those who are still on active duty or an activated member of the National Guard or Reserve. Talk to a care coordinator about the health care benefits you’ve earned through your service and let us assist you with your transition from military to VA.
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Eligibility Information

  • Special Eligibility and Coordination of Care for Combat Veterans Serving in Combat Theater After 11/11/1998- Returning Service members (OEF/OIF/OND)
  • Special eligibility for VA care for Veterans who served in a theater of combat. Under the Combat Veteran authority, VA provides cost-free health care services and nursing home care for conditions possibly related to military service and enrollment in Priority Group 6 or higher for 5 years from the date of discharge or release from active duty, unless eligible for enrollment in a higher priority group
  • The Enhanced Combat Veteran authority, which allows Veterans enrolled with VA under this category continued enrollment, even after their enhanced eligibility period ends, although they may be shifted to Priority Group 7 or 8, depending on their income level, and required to make applicable copays. Additionally, for care not related to combat service, copays may be required depending on a financial assessment and other special eligibility factors.  NOTE: The 5-year enrollment period applicable begins on the discharge or separation date of the service member from active-duty military service, or in the case of multiple call-ups, the most recent discharge date
  • 180 Day Dental Benefit (from time of discharge)
  • OEF/OIF/OND Combat Veterans may be eligible for one-time dental care — but must apply within 180 days of your separation date from active duty. Visit the Combat Veterans Fact Sheet to find out more; and,
  • Special Eligibility and Coordination of Care for Combat Veterans Serving in a Combat Theater After 11/11/1998 - Returning Service members (OEF/OIF/OND).


VA benefits for active service members - If you're on active duty in the United States uniformed services, including active National Guard and Reserve, you may be eligible for benefits both during service and after separation or retirement. Find out which benefits you qualify for and when to apply.

VA Coaching into Care - MIRECC/CoE - A national telephone service of the VA which aims to educate, support, and empower family members and friends who are seeking care or services for a Veteran.

VA Education Benefits | Veterans Affairs - Learn how Veterans, service members, and their qualified family members can apply for and manage the education and training benefits you've earned.

VA Healthcare and other insurance (TRICARE, Medicare, Medicaid, Private) - If you have other forms of health care coverage, you can use VA health care benefits along with these plans. Learn more about how VA works with other health insurance. Click on VA Health Benefits for more Information. Click to Apply online, by phone or by mail or dial 877-222-8387.

VA Patient Advocates - Specially trained VA staff that can help answer any questions or resolve any issues with your care.

VA Transition and Care Management Program - Learn what benefits VA offers to Post-9/11 Veterans (previously called the OEF/OIF/OND Program).

VA War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) - A national program dedicated to Veterans’ post-deployment health concerns and unique health care needs.

VA Women Veterans Care – For specialized women's health that supports the health, welfare, and dignity of women Veterans and their families, ensuring equal access to timely, sensitive, and quality care.

National Guard and Reserve Home - Learn more about your Active National Guard VA benefits, such as Education, Home Loans, Disability Compensation, and Pension.

TRICARE - Assistance with general information, benefits, claims, eligibility, authorizations, and provider inquiries. Call 877-874-2273  or visit HealthNet Federal Service (HNFS) for additional information.

Vet Center – Albany, NY - A counseling center that helps Veterans readjust after deployment, providing counseling for individuals, groups, married couples, and families and provide guidance and referrals for other VA and community resources. Click to Learn more about Vet Centers or call 518-626-5130

New York State Division of Veteran’s Services - Information about Advocacy and Assistance, Education, Employment & Volunteer, Financial & Compensation, Health Care, Honoring Veterans, and Housing.

Staff profile