James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center
The James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center fully supports the principles and efforts outlined in the Secretary of Veteran Affairs EEO, Diversity and Inclusion, No FEAR and Whistleblower Rights and Protection Policy Statement by maintaining a welcoming, safe environment for our Veterans and a safe, inclusive, equitable work environment for our employees.
I am committed to equal employment opportunity, maintaining a workplace free of harassment, and discrimination where equal opportunity is provided to all employees and applicants for employment regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including gender identity, transgender status and sexual orientation), pregnancy, age (40 or older), disability, genetic information, marital status, parental status, or political affiliation. This applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, reassignments, training and career development, benefits and separation. Additionally, we will foster a fair and inclusive workplace where the diverse perspectives and experiences of all employees are valued and ensure all applicable laws, regulations, executive orders, management directives, and organizational policies are vigorously enforced.
Individuals who believe they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment may contact an ORMDI EEO Counselor within 45 calendar days of the event or act alleged to be discriminatory to initiate the complaint process.
Individuals may also contact James Craig Wingate, EEO Program Manager at 814-943-8164, x 18165 or Adana Hooten EEO Program Specialist at 814-943-8164 x 14123 to discuss these events and obtain further information regarding their EEO rights, related processes and procedures. Allegations of discrimination may also be reported to any management official or Bargaining Unit Representative.
All managers and supervisors are accountable for maintaining a safe and civil work environment. The James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center employees are collectively responsible for cultivating and sustaining a high- performing organization where diversity, equity and inclusion are promoted and are expected to adhere to laws and policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
Kenneth J. Mortimer, FACHE
Interim Medical Center Director