Title Volunteer or donate Meta Meta description You can make a difference when you volunteer at or donate to the VA Boise Healthcare System. Content Page introduction VA Boise Healthcare System depends on the goodwill of our supporters. You can make a difference when you help us serve our Veterans. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content 2022 Holiday Sponsor Program. The Boise VA is seeking sponsors who can sponsor a veteran and their family for the 2022 holiday season. If you are able and willing to sponsor a veteran and family this year please contact the Boise VA Voluntary Service Department at (208) 422-1175 or (208) 422-1176. We are also accepting nominations for veterans who are in need this year. To nominate a veteran, or to request help yourself contact the Boise VA Voluntary Service and/or fill out the nomination form below and return to the Boise VA Voluntary Service Department. Holiday Sponsor Nomination Form (PDF)