Chaplain services
Chaplain services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, particularly in urgent situations or emergencies.
To contact chaplain services please call:
800-362-8262, ext. 4475
The Butler VA's Chaplains are dedicated to serving our Veterans. To learn more, contact:
Chief Chaplain Gary Clise, (Room 423W)
Phone: 724-287-4781, ext. 4475
Chaplain Ed Rogland, (Room 424W)
Phone: 724-287-4781, ext. 5009
Chaplain Fr James Murphy, (Room 422W)
Phone: 724-287-4781, ext. 4473
If you would like to contact a member of your local clergy, the chaplain can help you arrange a visit.
Chapel services are held in the Community Living Center (CLC), Building #2.
Roman Catholic Mass is held at 10:30 am, ET on Saturdays.
Protestant Chapel Service is held at 9:00 am, ET on Sundays.
We also have a prayer and meditation chapel on the first floor of Building 1, that may be used by anyone at any time for quiet meditation and reflection.
Map of Butler VA Medical Center Campus
Hours: 8:00am to 4:30pm, ET
The Butler VA's chaplains provide spiritual and pastoral care and emotional and/or spiritual comfort for you and your family, and, if you wish, they will routinely visit you during your stay at VA Butler. Upon admission, you will have an opportunity to request or decline visits by the chaplains. If you are admitted to an area that is served by an interdisciplinary team of specialists, the chaplain will be a member of that team and ensure that your spiritual and/or pastoral care needs are met during your stay. They are available to assist you in drawing upon your self-defined spiritual resources to aid in the healing process.
Chaplains provide worship services and religious ministry so that you can express your religious beliefs and practices during your stay. Upon request, your chaplain will locate clergy or religious leaders in the community, if you have religious needs that cannot be met by our staff. Chaplains will never attempt to impose any religious beliefs or practices on you; and they are also responsible for protecting you from such attempts by others.