Homeless Veterans Program
Our Mission
Our mission is to support Veterans who are experiencing homelessness, or who are at risk of homelessness, or serious mental illness by promoting physical and mental health, assisting in securing and maintaining housing, employment and by working with Veterans to achieve increased community integration.
The Des Moines VA Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC) is one of 17 VA centers nationally, aimed at ending homelessness among Veterans.
What We Do
The CRRC supplies needed resources and helps Veterans overcome barriers to achieve Employment and Housing identified goals:
- Showers, Laundry, Computers, Phones
- Day Room
- Rapid Rehousing –Short and long Term
- Employment services
- Housing Vouchers
- Preventive Services
- Substance abuse treatment
Community partners and services on site
The center also includes Medical Evaluation, Day room with computers and phones, laundry, showers.
Daily Services (days and times are subject to change):
Showers: Monday-Friday: 8- 2pm
Laundry Services: Monday-Friday: 7:30 – 2 pm
Day Room: Monday-Friday 8am - 4 p.m.
Homeless Programs: Outreach, transitional programs and supportive housing for veterans experiencing homelessness. Case management, skills and educational groups, substance use and mental health services available.
Veterans Recovery: On site AA and NA groups.
How to Find Us
The CRRC is located in downtown Des Moines – North of Methodist Hospital on Center St. We are Just south of Keo Way and 12th St.
ADDRESS: 1223 Center St., Des Moines Iowa 50309
We are located at the one block west of the intersection of Center and 12th Street and one block from Keosequa Avenue.
Bus stop is located on 9th St. and is within in walking distance for 9th and Center St.
If you are not sure how to get to CRRC using Metro Transit, call 515-599-5637. A knowledgeable CRRC staff person will help you figure out the best bus/LRT route from your location.
Telephone Numbers
Des Moines Iowa CRRC: (515) 699-5637
Life threatening emergencies: 911
Veteran Crisis Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255), then press 1 for veterans
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans: 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838)