Van services for Veterans
DAV vans
Hours: Individual van schedules vary
We work with Disabled American Veterans and county Veterans Affairs directors to provide transportation for Veterans and authorized caregivers to get to scheduled medical appointments.
Non-DAV van services
Many localities in the region provide other van services to Veterans.
Learn more about DAV and the other van services available in your county
Shuttle services (Mon - Fri)
VA Central Western Mass offers a shuttle service between Edward P. Boland Way in Leeds and the VA outpatient clinics in Springfield and Worcester. Shuttle services are provided weekdays, by appointment only, excluding federal holidays. Seating is limited; Veterans must make a reservation by calling the Travel Department at 413-584-4040 extension 2217.
Shuttle Schedule
Please note that arrival times may vary dependent on traffic and/or weather.
Leeds to West Haven (via Springfield and Newington)
Departure Location & Time Arrival Location & Time
Depart Leeds 7:30AM Arrive Springfield 8:00 AM
Depart Springfield 8:07 AM Arrive Newington 9:00 AM
Depart Newington 9:07 AM Arrive West Haven 10:00 AM
Depart West Haven 2:00 PM Arrive Springfield 3:30 PM
Departs Springfield 4:00 PM Arrive Leeds 4:30 PM
Springfield to Leeds
Departure Location & Time Arrival Location & Time
Depart Springfield 8:00 AM Arrive Leeds 8:40 AM
Depart Leeds 9:00 AM Arrive Springfield 9:40 AM
Depart Springfield 10:00 AM Arrive Leeds 10:40 AM
Depart Leeds 11:00 AM Arrive Springfield 11:40 AM
Depart Springfield 12:00 PM Arrive Leeds 12:40 PM
Depart Leeds 2:00 PM Arrive Springfield 2:40 PM
Depart Springfield 3:15 PM Arrive Leeds 3:55 PM
Depart Leeds 4:00PM Arrive Springfield 4:40 PM
Leeds to White River Junction
By appointment only. Please book five days in advance by calling (413)584-4040 x2217.
Leeds to Worcester
By appointment only. Please book five days in advance by calling (413)584-4040 x2217.
Local transportation services
The Northampton VAMC is located on the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) bus Line. The Bus runs from 6:05AM to 8:05PM daily. For more information on the Bus schedule, you can visit their website.
Other services
Coming soon!
Beneficiary travel
Beneficiary travel benefits include round-trip transportation from your home to the medical center, mileage reimbursement, or special mode transport.
Find out if you qualify for beneficiary travel benefits