Sometimes it’s nice knowing where your money is being spent. Now you can. Simply choose a special fund, write the fund number in the memo section on your check, and we'll do the rest. If you don’t designate a special fund, your money will be put to good use in our general-purpose account.
Thank you for supporting our Veterans.
301 Canteen Book fund—used to purchase canteen books from the VA Canteen for patient bingo prizes and other recreational activities.
303 General Purpose—used to purchase patient personal care items and to fund other projects including cable television, aviary and aquarium maintenance and special events for the veterans in our nursing home.
305 Community Living Center (Nursing Home)—for purchases to benefit the nursing home residents such as lost clothing and other personal items.
306 Recreation Therapy—for the provision of supplies and activities related to the therapy of recreational and learning pursuits of all hospitalized veterans.
307 Social Work Fund—to assist indigent patients in emergent situations.
309 Homeless/Mental Health—used to help with food cards, gas cards, expenses such as fees and school books.
310 Healing Garden—supports the construction of a new healing and meditation garden in the medical center courtyard.
311 OEF/OIF/OND—targets the rehabilitation of our Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/ Operation New Dawn veterans.
312 Vets Center—for emergency situations veterans and their families.
313 Transportation Program—used to support the accessibility needs of wheelchair dependent veterans.
314 Hospice—used to secure comfort items for patients in the last stages of life.
315 Women Veterans
317 Golden Age Games—supports veterans who compete in various sports in their golden years; similar to the Olympic Games.
319 Chaplin Funds—support the religious needs of all hospitalized veterans.
321 National Salute
322 Caregiver Support
323 Vet Community Outreach