
Support Groups

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support group, Cincinnati, veteran
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Peer support groups are a place where you can discuss day-to-day problems with other people who have been through trauma. Because they can give you a sense of connection to other people, a peer support group could be a great addition to your treatment. Support groups can also help family members or friends who are caring for someone with health issues.
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Head and Neck Support Group

Cincinnati VAMC Head and Neck Cancer Support Group

This group meets virtually on the 4th Monday of each month (with the exception of government holidays)

  • Meetings are from 1 – 2pm
  • Open to people at any stage of treatment
  • meet and socialize with others dealing with head and neck cancer
  • Veterans, non-Veterans, friends, and family are welcome
  • This group is offered through Cincinnati VAMC but is also open to any interested Veteran or non-Veteran seeking a H&N Cancer support group


Registration Link (copy and paste into browser):



2022 Meeting schedule:

February 28

March 28

April 25

May 23

June 27

July 25

August 22

September 26

October 24

November 28

December - no meeting


For questions or help with registering, contact: Kathy Welden kathy.welden@va.gov or Georgia Anderson (docga2021@gmail.com).