
The Fourteener

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The Fourteener is the VA Eastern Colorado Healthcare Systems' digital quarterly newsletter.
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VA Eastern Colorado Health Care Systems' digital quarterly newsletter.
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February 2021

They say hindsight is 2020. When it comes to the past year, one thing is clear--our lives changed in ways we'll remember forever. In our ninth edition of The Fourteener, we look at some of the top highlights from the past year--where we started, how much we've learned and what's next in our journey toward ending the pandemic. Read the February 2021 issue.

August 2020

In the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic, the eighth edition of The Fourteener highlights the opening of our brand-new Fisher House and recognition of VA ECHCS as 'Most Improved in Patient Experience.' Since the beginning days of the pandemic, VA ECHCS team members have risen to the occasion of meeting a variety of challenges. Read the August 2020 issue.

February 2020

The seventh edition of The Fourteener highlights Pueblo's PFC Dunn VA Clinic, the FY19 Annual Report, progress on your new Fisher House and stories on our Women Veterans Health Care Program, the Adaptive Sports Program and TMS--a new treatment option for depression. Read the February 2020 issue.

October 2019

In this sixth edition, we will introduce you to our new director and tell you more about ECHCS, an overview of services offered at Jewell Clinic, a Regional Amputation Center and how one Veteran shed 200 pounds using the MOVE! program. Read the October 2019 issue.

July 2019

The fifth edition of The Fourteener highlights our Spinal Cord Injury and Disorder Clinic, MISSION Act details, a Colorado National Guard Veteran's recovery journey, Colorado Springs' Butterfly Brigade and more. Read the July 2019 issue.

April 2019

The fourth edition of The Fourteener features an in depth look at the Golden Clinic and the services it provides to our Veterans. Also, a look at ECHCS and its Recreational Therapy Program and more. Read the April 2019 issue.

January 2019

The third edition of The Fourteener opens the new year with features on the Alamosa Outpatient Clinic, the VA Healthcare Provider of the Year, one of your ECHCS Providers and more. Read the January 2019 issue.

October 2018

The second edition of your newsletter features the PFC Floyd K. Lindstrom Outpatient Clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado. one of your ECHCS Providers and more. Read the October 2018 issue.

July 2018

The inaugural edition of VA Eastern Colorado Health Care Sytem's digital quarterly newlsetter features the opening of the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center in Aurora, Colorado. one of your ECHCS Providers and more. Read the July 2018 issue.