Title VA Research Core Meta Meta description VA Eastern Colorado Healthcare System has a large and robust research and development program. Content Page introduction VA Research Core facilities offer researchers access to cutting-edge instruments, technologies, services, as well as expert consultation and training. Generate a table of contents from major headings No table contents Main content Imaging Core SkyScan 1276 microCT Integrated physiological monitoring On screen dose meter Highest nominal resolution currently at 2.8microns Vevo 2100 Imager 30-micron resolution up to 740fps Color and doppler Blood flow quantification Volumetric analysis Intravital Nikon Ti2 100 fps near real time imaging 25mm field of view A1r-MP Multiphoton confocal system IVIS Spectrum High throughput with 23cm field of view 20-micron resolution 2D and 3D optical tomography Investigators must be performing research at VA facilities to utilize imaging equipment Other services: CODA blood pressure monitor, treadmill, and smoking machine. Sequencing Core NextSeq 550 High throughput sequencer Targeted or full genome sequencer Up to 16 transcriptomes 25-120 Gb output 130-400 million reads per run 2x150 bp in length 1 human whole genome 12 exomes Kits: www.illumina.com Freedom EVO (Tecan) 100 Liquid Handler 30 grids of worktable space Assists with library preps Nucleic acid purification PCR setups Protein purifications ddSEQ Single Cell isolator Coencapsulates single cells and barcodes into subnanoliter droplets TapeStation Automated electrophoresis solution for the sample quality control of DAN and RNA samples It is suitable to analyze size, quantity, and integrity of your samples Nanostring nCounter Sprint RNA, DNA and protein profiling 10s up to 800 targets No cDNA or library preps needed RNA 1-50ng needed DNA 5ng-300ng Protein 250ng-2.5ug Panel options: NanoString Technologies PanelPro Microscopy Core Leica SP8 Confocal with White Light Laser White light laser capabilities: Excites up to eight tunable laser lines simultaneously 470-670nm excitation range with 1nm resolution Time gated detectors and motorized prism detector system: Allows for Lambda scans High microscope setting variation allows for best quality images per samples Near real-time deconvolution per pixel Zeiss Axioplan O2 and CO2 stage incubator capable of doing hypoxia experiments Zeiss deconvolution software available DIC hardware Zeiss Discovery V20 Fluorescent and video capabilities stereo scope 5xand 1x objectives Keyence 4 color fluorescence High throughput Multiple well plate imaging User friendly Flow Cytometry Core ImageStreamX Mk.2 Flow analysis accompanied by single cell images Protein localization and co-localization Phagocytosis Cell to cell interaction Up to 10 fluorescent markers at once Four lasers - 405, 488, 562, and 642 CytoFlex LX 96 well plate loader Customizable wash and mix cycles Multiple experiments on same plate Five lasers - 375(NUV), 405, 488, 562, and 642 BD LSR 2 Four lasers allow for up to 18 colors Capable of up to 20,000 events per second Four lasers: - 355, 405, 488, and 642 Bioplex200 Suspension array system Multiplexing up to 100 Biomolecules on a single sample Magnetic plate washer for pre-run preparation Panel Options: Bio-Plex Multiplex Immunoassays Pricing Ultraforce DXA X-ray Micro CT Scany Vevo Imaging Intravital Scope IVIS Imaging Prices for Ultraforce DXA X-ray, Micro CT Scany, Vevo Imagingm, Intravital Scope, and IVIS Imaging include room rate plus instrument rate. Contact us for more information. VA-funded hourly prices Zeiss axioplan - $25 Leica SP8 - $35 LSR2 BD - $50 Cytoflex LX - $40 ImagestreamX - $125 NextSeq550 - $400 Nanostring sprint - $250 Bioplex200 - $200 Keyence Scanning scope - $10 TapeStation - $10 Other Services Training rate - $50 Analysis rate - $50 Non-VA funded hourly prices Zeiss axioplan - $35 Leica SP8 - $50 LSR2 BD - $70 Cytoflex LX - $60 ImagestreamX - $150 NextSeq550 - $500 Nanostring sprint - $300 Bioplex200 - $250 Keyence Scanning scope - $20 TapeStation - $15 Other Services Training rate - $75 Analysis rate - $75 Researchers are responsible for all sample preparations and reagents/kits needed these will not be supplied by the VA. The VA will supply a staff member to assist on training before using instruments independently. Research forms Research protocol safety survey (PDF) Subcommittee on research safety protocol action form (PDF) VA Core waiver form (PDF) Flow core: LSR2 configuration (PDF) Flow core: Cytoflex configuration (PDF) Flow core: Imagestream sample prep (PDF) Flow core: Imagestream data acquisition form (PDF) Contact For All VA Research Core Equipment please contact: vacoreresearch@gmail.com Phone: 720-857-5650 Scheduling: www.teamup.com Contact vacoreresearch@gmail.com for calendar access