
Psychology Internship Program

Meta description
VA Eastern Kansas Health Care Service Psychology Internship Training Program values diversity in staff, interns, and Veteran consumers. Our program welcomes people with diverse backgrounds and characteristics. We seek to create a training environment welcoming of diverse interns and to provide clinical care respectful of human diversity.
Page introduction
VA Eastern Kansas Health Care Service Psychology Internship Training Program values diversity in staff, interns, and Veteran consumers. Our program welcomes people with diverse backgrounds and characteristics. We seek to create a training environment welcoming of diverse interns and to provide clinical care respectful of human diversity. The Medical Center strives to create a therapeutic environment for, and ensure ethical treatment of, patients with diverse backgrounds and characteristics. Thus, an important goal of the training program is to increase interns’ knowledge and skills in working with a wide range of clients from different cultural backgrounds.
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About the program

The Psychology Internship Program at VA Eastern Kansas Health Care is fully accredited by the American Psychological Association.  The VAEK internship is generalist training, with positions on both the Leavenworth and Topeka campuses.  Applicants may apply to either campus or both campuses, and their cover letters should clearly be specific to which campuses they are applying.  Please see the training brochure (link below) for specific program, application and eligibility information.

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Application Information

Application Due Date:  November 30

APPIC Match Number Leavenworth:   130411

APPIC Match Number Topeka:  130412


Commission of Accreditation (CoA)

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation

Education Directorate

American Psychological Association

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC  20002-4242


Application downloads

Click the document links below to download our Application Brochure and Admissions, Support and Placement Data.

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Contact Us

Staff profile
Staff profile