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Learn about ways to use the GI Bill to pay for professional training and trade skills like HVAC repair, truck driving, or Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Qualified Veterans, service members, and dependents may be able to get money for tuition, books, and supplies.

Non-college degree programs

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Find out how to use the GI Bill to pay for specific training programs, like HVAC repair, truck driving, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training, and barber or beautician school.

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What benefits can I get?

  • Help paying for tuition
  • Money for books and supplies


How much money will I get?

The amount you get depends on which GI Bill program you use and what school you go to. We pay you at the end of each month for the hours you’ve spent training.

How do I get these benefits?

You’ll need to apply for benefits.
Apply for education benefits