While the residency provides a wide range of learning experiences (as mentioned in the overview), the learning experiences listed below are required for completion of the program:
Pharmacy Orientation
The Pharmacy Orientation learning experience is a required learning experience for the PGY1 pharmacy resident. This is a 5-week learning experience in which the resident will be oriented to the facility, pharmacy service, and the PGY1 Pharmacy Residency program. The resident will receive specialized training with pertinent VA computer software. The resident will complete paperwork with Human Resources and begin Pharmacy Service orientation on Day 1.
The resident will be responsible for completion of an orientation checklist (to be provided by Pharmacy Supervisor or Residency Program Director) and will begin training as an Inpatient and Outpatient Clinical Staff Pharmacist. The resident will be provided training in VA ADERS, Prior Authorization Drug Review (PADR) Consults, and Lost-Opportunity Cost (LOC) initiatives. The resident will be provided a brief introduction to the Residency Learning System and PharmAcademic.
Acute Care
Acute Care (Internal Medicine & Critical Care) is a required, six-week learning experience at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks (VHSO). This facility has 58 acute care beds, including 7 ICU beds, for both medical and surgical patients. During the Acute Care learning experience, the resident will be responsible for patients in the ICU and other patients on Ward 2A and 2B, as assigned.
While acting under the supervision of the Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, routine responsibilities of the resident include, but are not limited to: ensure safe and effective medication use prescribed to inpatients, address formal pharmacotherapy consults with monitoring and proper documentation, provide drug information to both patients and providers, conduct medication reconciliation where appropriate, perform counseling sessions for all patients admitted with or started on anticoagulants, and provide discharge counseling where appropriate.
Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT)
In this 6-week learning experience, the PGY1 pharmacy resident will provide pharmaceutical care in the ambulatory setting within the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT). The resident will interact with an interdisciplinary team including, physicians, midlevel providers, nursing staff, social workers, clerical staff, dieticians, patients, and caregivers. Emphasis within this experience will be placed on identifying, resolving, and preventing medication-related problems, as well as, effectively communicating with patients and health care professionals. The resident will actively participate in developing and documenting medication management plans, discover drug-induced problems, optimize drug therapy, and counsel patients. Teaching opportunities include providing pharmacy related education to patients, caregivers, and staff.
Home Based Primary Care
In this six-week learning experience, the residents will develop knowledge and understanding of the role of the Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) Clinical Pharmacy Specialist (CPS). To achieve the desired level of familiarity, the resident will:
- Attend and participate in a weekly multidisciplinary meeting for Veteran's accepted into the HBPC program
- Function as the medication expert on the team by monitoring and coordinating both immediate and chronic pharmaceutical care needs for HBPC patients
- Review each patient's current medications for appropriate renal and hepatic dosing, indication, interactions, and adverse effects as well as monitoring parameters for both safety and efficacy.
- Identify unnecessary medications and recommend discontinuation, as appropriate.
- Integrate preventative medicine into patient reviews including screening for vaccination indications, vitamin supplementation, smoking cessation, or non-pharmacological alternatives to improve outcomes
Mental Health
In this six-week learning experience, the pharmacy resident will work in both inpatient and outpatient clinic settings and interact with all team members including physicians, APNs, nurses, social workers, psychologists, counselors, patients, and caregivers.
This rotation is designed to allow the resident to gain independence as a pharmacist as a member of a multidisciplinary healthcare team and to improve literary retrieval skills and communication with patients and with other healthcare providers. The resident is responsible for identifying, preventing, and resolving medication therapy issues for patients and serving as a drug information resource for the team. Residents will actively participate in discovering drug-induced problems, adjusting doses when necessary, counseling patients on medications when appropriate, and making sure patients are on the optimal drug regimen for each condition or disease state. Additionally, if applicable, the resident will have the opportunity to serve as a co-preceptor for 4th-year pharmacy students.
This rotation is designed to develop the following skills: presenting patients while utilizing the appropriate SOAP note format, completing medication reconciliation, selecting appropriate pharmacologic therapies, identifying potential and actual drug-related problems, performing polypharmacy reviews, monitoring medications, and assisting in the training of pharmacy students when they are present.
Evaluation of Medication Use Systems and Resident Project Longitudinal
This longitudinal experience provides the resident with experience in various aspects of the medication use systems at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks (VHSO). The resident will become familiar with quality assurance, root cause analysis (RCA), adverse drug event and adverse drug reaction reporting, and medication use evaluations (MUEs).
Residents are also required to conduct and complete a residency project during their training. Projects result in the improvement of patient care and/or increase adherence to medication prescribing practices at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks. Goals and responsibilities include: project design, writing abstracts, completing and submitting all appropriate research forms to gain approval of the R&D (Research and Development) Committee and IRB (Institutional Review Board), presenting at professional pharmacy meeting(s), and preparing a manuscript for publication.
Education and Drug Literature Evaluation Longitudinal
This longitudinal learning experience includes the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) College of Pharmacy Teaching Certificate Program. This learning experience provides the resident with a significant opportunity to further develop presentation and writing skills through quarterly journal club presentations, two formal presentations, a facility newsletter, and drug information queries. While providing significant experience in drug information and evidence-based practice, the rotation provides flexibility to tailor some activities to personal areas of interest. Residents are encouraged to explore areas of interest and develop learning activities around those areas.
Pharmacy Management and Staffing Longitudinal
This longitudinal experience provides residents the opportunity to function in the role of a Clinical Staff Pharmacist at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks (VHSO). The resident will review, interpret, and verify medication orders for appropriateness, participate in patient medication profile review (allergies, drug interactions, labs, etc.), and provide drug and policy information to patients and medical center staff.
Residents will also participate in the management of pharmacy services while becoming familiar with the practical application of pharmacoeconomic principles commonly utilized in the VA healthcare environment. Training will include independent readings, didactic sessions, and tasks requiring application of material learned. Projects may be assigned by the preceptor at the direction of committees, task forces, and informal groups and may involve independent or group learning experiences.
The resident will receive computer training to aid with the collection and analysis of information used in pharmacoeconomic analysis. Resident may utilized parts of their 4 hours of dedicated administrative times to complete tasks associated with this learning experience or incorporate throughout other learning experience activities.
Projects common to this longitudinal experience may include:
- Prior Authorization Drug Review (PADR) Consult processing
- Assistance in achieving the Lost-Opportunity Cos (LOC) goals established for the facility
- Preparation of drug monograph
- Completion of Pharmacy e-consults, as assigned
- Recurring calls and meetings with facility leaders