Resources and support CMS account administration policy
Resources and support |
Account policy owner
The account policy owner sets the rules listed below for how CMS accounts for this product are managed. This is often the OCTO product owner, but doesn’t have to be.
Dave Conlon |
Account administrator
The account administrator makes day to day decisions about how CMS helpdesk manages all the CMS accounts within this product, such as verifying access, following up on training statuses, etc. This can be the same person as the policy owner, or someone else, such as a product manager. Ideally, there should be just one account administrator so it's clear who to contact about accounts for the product.
Danielle Thierry, Sidewide Content lead |
Account points of contact (optional)
Some products may need the option to delegate the task of verifying permissions for people in decentralized parts of the organization. CMS helpdesk will reach out to the people below about accounts for people within their branch of organization. If there aren't any account points of contact listed here, helpdesk will default to contacting the account admin.
Organization | Point of Contact | Alternate (recommended) |
Sitewide content team | Danielle Thierry | Dave Conlon |
Sitewide content team | Beth Potts |
Sections policy
CMS helpdesk will default to assigning sections according to the following framework unless the account administrator approves an exception.
If the requested user is this kind of person.... | assign them to: |
VHA staff | VHA Resources & support section |
VBA staff | VBA Resources & support section |
Other | Appropriate Resources & support section. New sections may need to be added. |
Editorial workflow roles policy
CMS helpdesk will default to assigning editorial workflow roles according to the following framework unless the account administrator approves an exception.
If the requested user is this kind of person... | give them the following roles: | Notes |
Resources and support editor | content creator - Resources and support; content editor. | In some cases Publisher may also be appropriate. |
Sitewide Content team member | content admin | They need access to Promos, which currently requires content admin |
Content admin roles policy
Content admin roles policy
Because it grants broad permission to work in all sections, this role is granted only in limited circumstances. The account policy owner may decide to grant the content admin role for their product if there are users who need to be able to...
- Edit, review and publish content in all sections
- Perform a manual content release
Content admin role needed for this product? | Grant this role to: |
Yes | Only members of the Sitewide Content team approved by the account policy owner. |