CMS account administration

Last updated on September 3, 2021 at 10:06 am
Learn how CMS account admins can create, edit, and disable accounts.
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All products

Before you start

  • You must have the CMS account admin role.
  • You need the user's VA email, their role(s), and their section(s).
  • If you need multiple accounts created, please contact the help desk. For each user, include their VA email, Role, and Section.

Create one account

  1. Log in to the Drupal environment where the user needs to be added. Adding a user in prod will automatically add them to lesser environments once those environments are rebuilt or refreshed.
  2. On the toolbar menu click Manage then click People.
  3. Click Add user.
  4. Enter the VA email into the Email address field.
  5. Check the box next to the Role(s).
  6. Enter the VA email for the Username.
  7. Enter any Password that meets the requirements (minimum 12 characters). The password won't be shared with the user or used for login.
  8. Enter the password again in Confirm password.
  9. Click the Status radio button that applies. Use Blocked if training is required before getting access.
  10. Click Create new account.
  11. Find the account you just created on the People search page. Enter the email in the Name or email field.
  12. Click the Status dropdown menu and select Any.
  13. Click Filter.
  14. Find the user in the results and click Edit under the Sections column.
  15. Check the box next to the appropriate Section.
  16. Scroll down and click Save.

Disable an account

  1. Log in to the Drupal environment where the user needs to be disabled. Disabling a user in prod will automatically disable them to lesser environments once those environments are rebuilt or refreshed.
  2. Click Manage then click People.
  3. Search for the user by email then click Filter.
  4. Click the checkbox next to the account.
  5. Click the Action dropdown menu and click Cancel the selected user(s) account.
  6. Click Apply to selected items.
  7. Leave the radio button as Disable the account and keep its content.
  8. Click Cancel accounts.
People manager page with Block User action selected

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