Spiritual and religious services
Our chaplains help patients and family members through outpatient treatment, hospital stays, and extended care. If needed, they will contact your personal clergy or spiritual care provider in the community. Our chaplains are clinical pastoral care specialists who provide religious and non-religious people with services such as:
- Baptisms
- Bereavement (grief and loss) care
- Comfort and counseling
- Communion
- Funerals
- Weddings
Worship services
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no gatherings are being held in the Chapel at this time.
Research shows that spiritually active patients experience or report:
- Faster healing
- Greater coping skills
- Reduced pain
- Better quality of life
TeleChaplaincy is a VA Telehealth Program through which Veterans and their families can receive spiritual care via video consultations with a VA Chaplain through VA Video Connect. TeleChaplaincy was designed to make spiritual care available to a Veteran who is unable to commute to the VA Medical Center in Houston due to a disability, the lack of transportation, or because the Veteran lives too far.
Learn more about Telechaplaincy.
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is an educational experience for qualified ministers who learn as they engage Veterans. It is considered the Graduate Medical Education (GME) program for Pastoral Care, which qualifies ministers to become VA chaplains (and any other institutional setting with chaplains).
Learn more about our Clinical Pastoral Education program.
Interfaith Chapel location
Second floor
Near the Main Elevators by the balcony
Map of Houston campus
Hours: 24/7
Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Center Chapel Schedule
Catholic Mass
- Daily Mass - 11:00 a.m.
- Divine Mercy Chapel - 3:00 p.m.
- Saturday - 3:00 pm.
- Sunday - 11:00 a.m.
- Friday Zuhr/Jumma - 2:00 p.m.
For more information about worship services at MEDVAMC, please contact Chaplain Services at 713-791-1414, ext. 27125.