Whole Health is a unique initiative in that services are offered both within our Well-Being Program, and also across various settings throughout VA. Whole Health services that are offered outside of our Well-Being Program, by other service areas, are identified by an asterisk (*).
Acupuncture/Battlefield Acupuncture*
Acupuncture is one of several techniques that make up the system of care provided by those trained in traditional medicine from China and other Asian countries. Most frequently we think of acupuncture as the penetration of thin needles into the body at acupuncture points to effect a change. Acupuncture is used to restore or maintain health.
Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) is a limited auricular (ear) acupuncture protocol taught by the Veterans Health Administration and Department of Defense (DoD) for the purpose of pain management. Acupuncture and BFA are available through a referral to chiropractic care within Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services at VA Houston. For treatment of spine-related issues, Veterans may also receive comprehensive assessment and care (including acupuncture) through the 2nd floor Spine Clinic at the main hospital. No referral is required for the Spine Clinic.
Chiropractic care*
The chiropractic approach to health care is holistic. Natural drugless, non-surgical methods of chiropractic treatment rely on the body's inherent recuperative abilities to promote healing. Chiropractic care restores, improves, and maintains your function, activity, and health. Chiropractic care is available through a referral to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services at VA Houston. For treatment of spine-related issues specifically, Veterans may also receive comprehensive assessment and care (including chiropractic) through the 2nd floor Spine Clinic at the main hospital. No referral is required for the Spine Clinic.
Learn more about chiropractic care at VA Houston.
Equine-assisted therapy for trauma*
Whole Health has partnered with Sunny Creek Ranch, a Veteran-operated local ranch offering “Horses for Heroes,” an Eagala-certified Equine Assisted Psychotherapy program. “Horses for Heroes” helps Veterans to reconnect, de-stress, and communicate more effectively through the horse-human connection.
Through a VA grant and other funding, Sunny Creek Ranch is able to offer this holistic healing service to Veterans, first responders, and their immediate family members at no cost. Veterans can connect with this service through the Whole Health consult, or by calling Sunny Creek Ranch directly.
Learn more about “Horses for Heroes” at Sunny Creek Ranch
Introduction to Whole Health
In this one-hour introductory orientation to Whole Health, Veterans explore their mission, aspiration, and purpose with the guidance of a Veteran Whole Health Coach or Partner. Veterans have the opportunity to learn about using a Whole Health approach in their own lives, learn about Whole Health resources, and to begin making a plan to support their health and well-being based on what matters to them.
How to Join: Call 713-770-1548 or request a Whole Health consult to schedule your individual Whole Health introductory session, either virtually or in person.
LGBTQ+ well-being*
VA Houston’s LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator team and Whole Health have partnered to offer classes supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Veterans’ well-being and personal development. These classes are virtual and open to all Veterans.
Pride and Courage: 75-minute group providing education and support to all Veterans identifying as LGBTQ+. The focus of this group is supporting all LGBTQ+ Veterans in living their fullest lives as their authentic selves.
When: Tuesdays, 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Where: Zoom platform, by referral
How to Join: Contact Hiram Rivera-Mercado, PsyD at (281) 217-9028 or Hiram.Rivera-Mercado@va.gov
Gender Group: 60-minute group providing education and supporting ongoing personal development for transgender and gender-diverse Veterans. This group incorporates elements of Whole Health to support Veterans in connecting with and caring for themselves, and in living their lives in alignment with what matters most to them.
Whole Health Topics
- Week 1: Family, friends, and co-workers; Sprit and Soul; Surroundings (Support Group)
Weeks 1 and 3 will be a support group format where group member share updates, ask for feedback/questions from the group, and we will talk about various relevant topics.
- Week 2: Personal Development; Power of the Mind (Presenter)
Week 2 we will have various presenters covering a wide range of gender affirming interventions/topics including surgery, legal aid, make-up, prosthetics, speech therapy, etc.
- Week 3: Family, friends, and co-workers; Sprit and Soul; Surroundings (Support Group)
Weeks 1 and 3 will be a support group format where group member share updates, ask for feedback/questions from the group, and we will talk about various relevant topics.
- Week 4: Moving the body; Food and drink; Recharge (Presenter)
Week 4 we will also have presenters but these presenters will be focused more on physical health so we will have some yoga sessions, dieticians, review of sleep habits, and mindfulness
When: Thursdays, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: VVC platform, by referral
How to Join: Contact Mallorie Carroll, PhD at 281-796-2849 or Mallorie.Carroll@va.gov.
LGBTQ+ Parent/Guardian Group: This group is designed for any Veteran who provides any type of care to a youth/child who identifies as LGBTQ+. The purpose of this group is to provide parents/caregivers/guardians with resources, support, and skills in order to affirming of LGBTQ+ identities.
When: Not currently scheduled, but referrals welcome
Where: Virtual
How to Join: Contact LaVonya Bennett, PhD at (281) 684-1137 or LaVonya.Bennett@va.gov
Learn more about LGBTQ+ Veteran care at VA Houston.
Massage Therapy*
Clinical massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the human body for therapeutic purposes. Based in ancient traditions, massage therapy is a professional health care discipline in the United States. Massage therapy is available through community care, managed by the Office of Integrated Veteran Care (OIVC). A referral can be entered by any healthcare provider.
Meditation and mindfulness training
These classes are virtual, live, and interactive.
Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop: 60-minute workshop offering an overview of mindfulness and its benefits, opportunities to try out mindfulness exercises, and resources on ways to begin a mindfulness practice or to go deeper after the workshop. No appointment needed.
When: 1st Tuesday of every month, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Where: Join WebEx meeting
Meeting Number: 2762 450 9480
Passcode: umGjgeu@325
Dial in: Join by video system. Dial 27624509480@veteransaffairs.webex.com. You can also dial and enter the meeting number.
Join by phone: 1-404-397-1596 (USA toll number)
Access code: 2762 450 9480
Sign up: No appointment needed! Follow the link above to join the class directly or call 713-770-1458 for an iCalendar invitation. This class and others can also be accessed by requesting a Whole Health consult.
Questions? Call us directly at 713-770-1458.
Meditation class: Free virtual meditation class on Tuesdays.
When: Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Where: Join ZoomGov meeting
Meeting ID: 161 356 5738
Passcode: 567159
Dial in: 1-669-254-5252
Sign up: No appointment needed!
Questions? Contact Jordyn Forsyth at 713-791-1414, ext. 26166.
Four-Week Mindfulness group: Virtual mindfulness group open to all Veterans by appointment.
When: Tuesdays, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Sign up: Contact Sharanya Udipi at 281-578-4600
Spanish-Language Mindfulness Workshop
When: Tue. Feb 7, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CT
To welcome and support our Spanish-speaking caregivers and Veterans, Houston VA Whole Health will hold a virtual Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop led entirely in Spanish. Join Jorge Ruiz, LCSW, for an introduction to mindfulness and its benefits, including guided mindfulness practices and resources for developing a practice of your own.
Unirse desde este enlace de reunión
Únete por teléfono: 1-404-397-1596 Número de reunion (Código de acceso): 2762 450 9480
Healthy teaching kitchen*
Making healthy food choices is the number one thing you can do for your health. Learning how to cook can be one step toward getting healthier foods on your plate. The Healthy Teaching Kitchen (HTK) provides live, virtual cooking classes to learn more about nutrition, cooking skills, and to build your confidence in cooking healthy meals from minimally processed foods at home.
When: 3rd Thursday of every month, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Where: VA Video Connect
Sign Up: Contact Michelle Ivy at 713-791-1414, ext. 24295.
Integrative headache clinic*
The Integrative Headache Clinic within the department of Neurology provides holistic, Whole Health-informed clinical care for the treatment of chronic headaches and migraine headaches. Request a Neurology Headache Clinic consult to access these services.
Life skills workshops*
The ACT on Health Lab at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center offers the following workshops teaching life skills to strengthen well-being and relationships. They are free to attend, and will be held either online via Zoom or at a local community center, Vet Center or VA.
Wellness and Enhancing Life Workshop: A One-day Veteran-only workshop aimed at teaching skills that help to improve everyday life, and skills that help with adjustment to civilian life. Each workshop will include 5-8 other Veterans.
Strengthening Relationships Couple’s Workshop: A one-day workshop designed for Veterans and their partners. This workshop was developed in response to feedback from Veterans who asked for the opportunity to invite their spouses or partners to workshops that would help them learn new skills, techniques, and information that would enhance and build a stronger relationship. The workshop will include 3-5 other veterans with their partners.
For more information about either of these workshops, contact Ken Woods at (713) 440-4612.
Both workshops are part of research projects supported by the Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt) at Baylor College of Medicine, and funded by the VA Office of Rural Health, supporting Veterans in rural communities. As part of the research, participants will be asked to complete some surveys and will be compensated for that time.
MOVE! weight management*
MOVE! is a weight-management program designed to help you live a longer, healthier life. With the help of your MOVE! care team, you can eat a healthier diet, get more exercise, reduce your health risks, and improve your quality of life.
Learn more about MOVE! weight management at VA Houston.
Ompractice is a digital well-being platform that has partnered with Houston VA Whole Health to provide a wide variety of virtual wellness classes at no cost to Veterans and employees. Yoga, Tai Chi, mindfulness, breathwork, yoga nidra, sound meditation, and other wellness classes are available all day every day, from early morning through evening hours. Ompractice offers Veteran-only classes, and also classes led by instructors who are Veterans themselves. Register for a free account at the link below.
Learn more about Ompractice virtual wellness classes.
Tai Chi
Whole Health offers 60-minute virtual Tai Chi classes twice a week which are open to all Veterans. Classes are live and interactive through VA WebEx. They are led by Chase Fortuno, a partner with Synergy Federal Services.
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that today is practiced as a graceful form of mindful movement. It involves a series of movement performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. Each posture flows into the next without pause, keeping your body in constant motion. These classes are accessible to Veterans with physical limitations who are medically stable, and the instructor is prepared to offer modifications for a wide range of mobility levels.
When: Tuesdays, 3:00 p.m.
Where: Join Tuesday 3:00 p.m. WebEx meeting
When: Thursdays, 6:00 p.m.
Where: Join Thursday 6:00 p.m. WebEx meeting
How to Join: No appointment needed!
Follow the link above to join the class directly or call 713-770-1458 for an iCalendar invitation. This class and others can also be accessed by requesting a Whole Health consult.
Taking charge of my life and health
Taking Charge of My Life and Health is a nine week Whole Health facilitated course that helps you do exactly that: take charge of your health and well-being. This course takes Veterans on a journey into the Circle of Health (see below), exploring what matters to you, and discovering your personal mission, aspiration, and purpose in life. This course also allows for a “deeper dive” into the 8 areas of self-care. The facilitator will guide you in creating goals and action plans, and will support you as you work toward those goals.
When: Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Where: Virtual via WebEx
How to Join: Request a Whole Health consult from your healthcare team to join the next available class or call 713-770-1548 to enroll directly.