
Chronic Pain Care School

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Chronic, Danville, VAIHCS, Pain Care, School
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Chronic Pain Care School classes held every Monday except Holidays and are open to all Veterans.
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1. Introduction and How We Sense Pain: Presentation of an overview of topics covered in Chronic Pain Care School, with special emphasis on how the body perceives and controls pain sensations (pain physiology). 
December 27, 2021

2.Pain Related Medicines: This is a discussion about pain medications. It includes: goals of good pain management, good medications practices, and a review of the pain management agreement. Which also includes patient education on the proper (rational and safe) use of medications and treatment compliance. Non pharmacological (methods) for pain relief are presented. January 3, 2022

3. Myths About Chronic Pain: Discover the myths about chronic pain and how negative thinking can influence your pain levels. Learn how to identify the styles of negative thinking and develop strategies to change these thoughts. January 10, 2022

4. Thinking and Chronic Pain: A psychologist will discuss how attitudes, beliefs, and values can impact pain perceptions, and techniques to restructure the mind from focusing entirely upon pain. The session will conclude with progressive relaxation training. January 24, 2022

5. Communication and Chronic Pain: Effective communication about pain (how to talk about it with providers and family/friends), becoming their own advocate/empowering an active role in treatment, and finish with a visualization exercise to continue relaxation training. January 31, 2022

6. Complementary & Alternative Medicine: This lecture is an introduction to Complimentary and Alternative treatments that are commonly used in the treatment of chronic pain conditions. Emphasis is placed on the explanation of available VA treatments including chiropractic, acupuncture, music therapy, and biofeedback. February 7, 2022

7. Exercise for Pain Patients: The Chronic Pain & Physical Activity module reviews the importance of posture and proper body mechanics with daily activities. It also includes education on daily exercise and stretching as well as the services available at the VA for someone with chronic pain. February 14, 2022

8. Nutrition and Pain: Discussion with a Registered Dietitian about the role of diet and inflammation control with focus on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, emerging anti-inflammatory foods and review of potentially beneficial dietary supplements. February 28, 2022

9. Sleep and Pain: Techniques and medicines that can help with sleep and a review of compounds that can disrupt sleep; healthy practices for patients in pain to help sleep better without medicines. March 7, 2022

10. Spirituality in Pain Management: A clinically trained chaplain discusses various aspects of spirituality as a means of managing chronic pain. Topics include:
-Defining & Understanding Spirituality
-The Role of Attitude in Pain Management
-Understanding Lament
December 20, 2021 & March 14, 2022

All classes are held using CISCO WEBEX starting at 11 AM until Noon (CST):

When it's time, join your Webex meeting here.

Meeting number (access code): 199 688 4769

Meeting password: W3DkTpaf3*2 

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) 
+14043971596,,1996884769## USA Toll Number 

Join by phone for non-VA Staff

18335580712 USA Toll-free Number

Join from a video system or application
Dial 1996884769@veteransaffairs.webex.com 
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.