Additional Contacts
The Veteran Experience Program is established to promote positive experiences for all our Veterans. A fundamental value in VHA is for all our Veterans and their families, who are served in or through VHA facilities and clinics, to have their priorities and needs addressed in a proactive, convenient, and timely manner.
For a listing of additional contacts, please visit ourĀ phone directory.
To address your questions, concerns or special needs, contact the Veteran experience representatives at: 816-861-4700, ext. 52273.
or Weekday hours: 8 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Our Veteran experience representative offices are located at the Kansas City VA Medical Center in Main lobby by the Women in Military display. Please check in at the kiosk located next to office M1-372
Thanks for a Good Job Card
Your feedback about the care and services you receive while in the Medical Center provides us an opportunity to make changes and improvements; Feedback gives you the opportunity to make a suggestion, and correct problems or give a compliment.
During your stay, you may be surveyed by one of our Veteran Experience Representatives. This is a short patient satisfaction survey asking for feedback about your perception of the care you are receiving.
You may answer your quick card anonymously, or you may provide your name and contact information if you would like us to contact you about the resolution of any issues.
Survey of Healthcare Experience of Patients
After your visit, you may receive a confidential questionnaire in the mail asking you about your most recent outpatient or inpatient treatment at our medical center.
Please use the survey to let us know of any concerns, complaints, or questions you have about your care, so that we can resolve them. We also appreciate compliments about what we are doing right.