
Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Program

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The VJO Program is designed to avoid the unnecessary criminalization, stigmatization, and extended incarceration among Veterans.
Page introduction
The Veterans Justice Programs (VJP) consist of two programs that serve Justice Involved Veterans and are prevention-oriented components of VHA’s Homeless Program that provides a gateway to the VA and community services for this Veteran population. VJP shares the overarching goal of reducing and preventing homelessness and recidivism with the other VHA homeless programs. When Veterans are released from incarceration, they usually lack resources to obtain stable housing and gainful employment to secure stability as they reintegrate back into the community.
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The VJP specialists’ role is to identify Veterans in the criminal justice system and refer them to responsive services at the VA. The Healthcare for Reentry Veterans (HCRV) and Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Programs were designed to provide outreach services throughout every intercept of the criminal justice process and divert Veterans with mental health and substance use disorders away from the justice system into treatment. The VJO covers the initial phases of the criminal justice process and the HCRV.

Photo of the Sequential Intercept Model.

VJP ‘s Mission:
To identify Justice-Involved Veterans and engage them through outreach, to facilitate access to VA services at the earliest possible point in the criminal justice process.  Veterans Justice Programs accomplish this by building and maintaining partnerships between VA and key stakeholders of the criminal justice system.

VJP’s Vision:
Justice Involved Veterans will have access to care, services, and other benefits to help them maximize their potential for success and stability in the community, including avoidance of homelessness and the end of involvement with the justice system.

VJP’s Statement of Values and Commitment to Equity:
VJP is committed to operating as an antiracist program, ensuring Veterans receive equitable access to services regardless of race, gender identity, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, or other individual characteristics.  We are also committed to supporting criminal justice partners’ efforts to identify and address disparities in their systems that are associated with race or other individual characteristics.

KCVA Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Program
The VJO Program is designed to avoid the unnecessary criminalization, stigmatization, and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible justice-involved Veterans have equitable and timely access to VHA services as clinically indicated. VJO Specialists are responsible for direct outreach, assessment, and case management service for Justice-Involved Veterans in local courts and jails, and liaison with local justice system partners.  Find more information here: Veterans Justice Outreach Program - VA Homeless Programs

Assisting Justice-Involved Veterans

A Second Chance for Justice Involved Veterans

Preventing Suicide Among Justice Involved Veterans

Medical-Legal Partnerships:

Promote access to Pro bono Legal Services and create Legal Clinics or Medical-Legal Partnerships to assist with criminal, civil legal issues or service-connected disability claims.

Military Matters: Serves Kansas Counties: Johnson, Wyandotte, Missouri Counties: Cass, Clay, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Platte, Ray.
Referrals to Military Matters may be obtained by calling the KCVA VJO Program at 816-861-4700 extension 55649. Please note that a release of information will be required for the KCVA VJO program to complete a referral. **Add ROI

Military Matters provides the following legal assistance:

Municipal Warrant Relief


  • Orders of Protection
  • Divorce/Child Custody
  • Child Support Modification
  • *cannot be arrearages
  • Minor/Adult Guardianship

VA Benefit appeals


  • Debt counseling/work out issues
  • Landlord/tenant issues
  • Estate Planning (wills/trust)
  • Tax counseling


  • Incorporation
  • Tax
  • Intellectual Property
  • Real Estate
  • Contracts


  • *not about/against military
  • Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
  • Discrimination/Retaliation
  • Wrongful termination

Criminal (not felony)

VetVap: Serves Kansas City MO municipal court, city ordinance or municipal warrants. Referrals to VetVap may be obtained by calling the KCVA VJO Program at 816-861-4700 extension 55649. **Add ROI

Legal Aid of Western Missouri (LAWMO): Serves cases within Missouri. Referrals to LAWMO may be obtained by calling LAWMO at 816-474-6750 or the KCVA VJO Program at 816-861-4700 extension 55649. Please note that a release of information will be required for the KCVA VJO program to complete a referral. Download VA Form 10-5345a (PDF)

LAWMO may be able to assist with the following cases:


  • Orders of Protection
  • Minor/Adult Guardianship
  • Divorce/Child Custody/Paternity

VA Benefit appeals

SSI/SSDI appeal

Medicare appeals

IRS Disputes


  • HUD/Section 8
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Foreclosure Prevention
  • *imminent risk

Beneficiary Deeds

Public Assistance denials or termination

  • TANF
  • Food Stamps
  • Blind Pension
  • Medicaid
  • Child Care Assistance

Consumer Issues

  • Improper utility shut-off
  • Contract disputes
  • Unfair sales practices
  • Lawsuits by debt collectors
  • Unfair debt collection practices

Kansas Legal Services (KLS):
Income based legal services throughout the state of Kansas. Referrals to KLS may be obtained by calling KLS at 913-621-0200 or the KCVA VJO Program at 816-861-4700 extension 55649. Please note that a release of information will be required for the KCVA VJO program to complete a referral. Download VA Form 10-5345a (PDF)

KLS may be able to assist with the following cases:


  • Orders of Protection
  • Minor/Adult Guardianship
  • Divorce/Child Custody/Paternity

VA Benefit appeals

SSI/SSDI appeal

Medicare appeals


  • HUD/Section 8
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Foreclosure Prevention
  • *imminent risk

Beneficiary Deeds

Public Assistance denials or termination

  • TANF
  • Food Stamps
  • Blind Pension
  • Medicaid
  • Child Care Assistance

Consumer Issues

  • Improper utility shut-off
  • Contract disputes
  • Unfair sales practices
  • Lawsuits by debt collectors
  • Unfair debt collection practices

VA cannot provide legal services. For legal assistance, visit State Side Legal's help page or contact the nearest VJO specialist, who may know of community legal assistance resources. Many VA facilities host free legal clinics for Veterans, operated by non-VA legal service providers. Click here to see a list of those legal service clinics.

Veterans Treatment Courts:

Unlike traditional criminal courts, the primary purpose of a VTC is not to determine whether a defendant is guilty of an offense, but rather to ensure that he or she receives treatment to address unmet clinical needs. The KCVA has four Veterans Treatment Courts. Visit the Justice for Vets site to learn more about Veterans Treatment Courts.

Kansas City Missouri Municipal Veterans Treatment Court: To be eligible for Veterans Treatment Court (VTC), the defendant must qualify for services through the VA and have a substance abuse or mental health treatment need.  The program is primarily diversion based and consists of 4 phases that are detailed in the VTC handbook.  Participants are expected to sign a contract and remain in compliance with the treatment recommendations and other services as directed by the Court.  Upon successful completion of VTC, the participant’s probation period for those cases will be over and the cases will then be closed.  Minimum amount of time to complete the program is one year; most participants invest 18 months or longer as is necessary.  VTC is committed to providing resources and skills so that the veteran can successfully return to society as a productive citizen of Kansas City, Missouri with a goal towards 0% recidivism.  Attorneys typically are only required to attend to get the client entered in the program but may be expected to return if the Court needs to address any issues or concerns.  Attorneys may discuss the screening process and possible referral to VTC with any courtroom prosecutor.

Download VA Form 10-5345a (PDF)

Jackson County Missouri Veterans Treatment Court: To be eligible for the Jackson County Veterans Treatment Court, the veteran must have served in the United States military; veterans are not required to be eligible for services at the VA. The program is primarily a diversion-based program for a minimum of one year. Probations are also accepted. The court accepts misdemeanors and felonies, including cases from surrounding counties if the participant resides in Jackson County.

Attorneys may contact Pamela Crall at PCrall@JacksonGov.org to discuss the screening process and possible referral to VTC.

Download VA Form 10-5345a (PDF)

Clay County Missouri Veterans Treatment Court: Clay County Veterans Treatment Court Program, in partnership with the KCVA, offers eligible veterans with substance use dependency and/or a mental illness diagnosis that are charged with a qualifying felony or misdemeanor criminal offense, the opportunity to participate in treatment and services in a program of accountability, which address the issues of substance abuse, mental health, and other barriers to leading law abiding, productive lives within our community. For more information, have your attorney contact the prosecutor assigned to your case about screening or contact the Treatment Court Manager at 816-407-3969.

Download VA Form 10-5345a (PDF)

Johnson County Kansas Veterans Treatment Court: The Mission of the Johnson County, Kansas Veterans Treatment Court is to promote public safety by providing an inter-agency, collaborative, non-adversarial treatment strategy to veterans in the criminal justice system who suffer from mental health and/or substance abuse issues related to their service in our Armed Forces.

This voluntary court has several tracks: Diversion, Probation, Post-Imprisonment Supervision, and Probation Violation. The participant must agree to reside in Kansas during the duration of the term of supervision. Additionally, veterans who are ineligible for VA Health Benefits must live within the boundaries of Johnson County, KS. Certain charges may preclude entry into the VTC, including but not limited to: Off Grid Crimes, High Level Drug/Non-Drug Felonies, and current or past offenses which would require the applicant to register as a Sex Offender. Justice-Involved Veterans with current charges and awaiting case disposition should contact their attorney to discuss their options. All applications can be requested by the veteran or their attorney through the Johnson County District Attorney’s Office or the Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator.

Download VA Form 10-5345a (PDF)

First Responder/Law Enforcement Outreach: VJOs provide outreach to veterans interfacing with first responders and law enforcement. VJOs also provide training to first responders and law enforcement on veterans specific needs and resources.

County and assigned VJO

Kelly McDaniel 816-835-0119, kelly.mcdaniel@va.gov (Caldwell, Livingston, Carroll, Jackson, Lafayette, Johnson and Cass)

 Leanne Little 816-492-4367, leanne.little@va.gov(Bates, Henry, St. Clair, Vernon, Cedar, and Barton)

Michele Parsons 816-590-3997, michele.parsons@va.gov(Gentry, De Kalb, Clinton, Clay, and Ray)

Leanne Little 816-492-4367, leanne.little@va.gov

Corrie Jones, Homeless Program Supervisor, 816-861-4700, ext. 53823, corrie.jones2@va.gov

Jail Outreach: VJOs provide screenings and linkage to care for veterans prior to release from incarceration. VJOs are not able to provide assessment and treatment to veterans who are incarcerated.

Suits: Support for Incarcerated Veterans Informational Videos

County and assigned VJO

Kelly McDaniel 816-835-0119, kelly.mcdaniel@va.gov (Caldwell, Livingston, Carroll, Jackson, Lafayette, Johnson and Cass)

Leanne Little 816-492-4367, leanne.little@va.gov (Bates, Henry, St. Clair, Vernon, Cedar, and Barton)

Michele Parsons 816-590-3997, michele.parsons@va.gov (Gentry, De Kalb, Clinton, Clay, and Ray)

Corrie Jones, Homeless Program Supervisor, 816-861-4700, ext. 53823, corrie.jones2@va.gov

HCRV and contact

Kansas HCRV outreach Christine Strom christine.strohm99@va.gov, 913-682-2000, ext. 53098

Missouri HCRV Keith Suedmeyer keith.suedmeyer@va.gov, 314-652-4100, ext. 55483

With questions about the VJO national program, contact Katie Stewart, MSW, LCSW, VJO national coordinator.

If you or someone you know is a justice-involved Veteran, email the VJO specialist nearest you for assistance accessing VA health care services. Veterans Justice Outreach Program - VA Homeless Programs