
Dental Residency Application Procedure

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Dental Residency Application Procedure, Memphis VA Medical Center, Dental
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Application Procedure: To be eligible for post graduate training in the General Practice Residency Program, a resident must be a graduate of an ADA accredited dental school. Dental School transcripts, undergraduate transcripts and National Board scores as well as three letters of recommendation are required. The applicant must fill out the Department of Veterans Affairs Application for Residents as well as submit a small photo.
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Applicants may submit their application independently or through PASS, the Postdoctoral Application Support Service. If the application is sent through PASS, the letters and dental school transcripts that are part of the PASS application are adequate. Undergraduate transcripts and the VA application are still required. A photo is also requested. The General Practice Residency program does not participate in the National Matching Service Program.

Postdoctoral Application Support Services
American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036-2212
Telephone: (202) 667-9433

Those individuals who have completed their application and meet standards for acceptance will be invited for an interview. The application deadline is October 1st.

Contact Information

Further information may be obtained by contacting:

Greg Paprocki, DDS
Director, GPR Program
VA Medical Center
1030 Jefferson Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38104
Telephone: (901) 523-8990, ext. 5455
email: Greg.Paprocki@va.gov