How to manage campaign landing pages

Last updated on December 7, 2021 at 9:29 am
Learn more about the segment types that manage content on Campaign Landing Pages
This article is for:
Campaign Landing Page

The Veteran-centered purpose

"As a veteran, family member or caregiver, I want to learn more about new and annual programs and initiatives offered by the VA."

In this guide

↓ What is a campaign landing page

↓ Required content panels

↓ Optional content panels


What is a campaign landing page

Campaign Landing Pages are stand-alone web pages created to announce short term programs and campaigns. CLPs are not permanent.

The Campaign Landing Page (CLP) is a page builder in the Drupal CMS which enables VA businesses to create, launch and manage modern, mobile-responsive, accessibility-optimized campaign landing pages to promote marketing or engagement content.

The CLP is:

  • 1-page that links to deeper content which the already exists in the benefit hubs, in videos on YouTube, at separate VA domains (such as, at other VA online destinations (e.g. blogs, PDF factsheets, outreach library).
  • Governed and maintained by the digital communications teams at at VHA, VBA, VEO, OPIA and NCA with hands on production expected to be done by their digital marketing teams (e.g. Webmaster or Web Communications lead).
  • Temporary, time-bound – there should be a specific launch and “take down” date associated with the campaign page. (Seasonal, recurring campaigns – e.g. Flu Season– can remain live on-site for re-use and yearly content updates)
  • CLPs are not part of the permanent site navigation , and their placement is determined by the Product team.

Required content panels

Here's an overview of the four required segments that you'll use to build out your campaign landing page:

  • Hero: The Hero banner panel attracts attention, announces the campaign’s main message and adds visual interest. The hero panel includes a required CTA, and an option to add a large full-width image.
  • Why this matters:  The Why this matters to you panel calls out the most impactful information about your campaign and the intended audience, e.g. If people read nothing else on the page, what should they know?
  • What you can do: The What you can do panel focuses on actions or steps that the CLP target audience can or should take.  The panel includes up to three “promos” – content formatted as text and image teasers that engage attention and inspire further action.
  • VA benefits: Select and use at least one and up to two benefit blocks to give readers another way to link to important benefits information. Some things to remember:
    • This segment will always appear last, below any optional segments that may be used, and just above the footer. 
    • The title text and blurbs are templated and not editable.  

Optional content panels

Here's an overview of the seven optional segments that you can use to add additional content to your campaign landing page:

  • Video: Add the Video segment when you have relevant video content to share, and to encourage deeper engagement with the content/subject matter.
  • Spotlight: Add the content-only Spotlight segment when you have additional, relevant content for your audience. Use the required intro text to help provide context for users, then add up to three content cards to spotlight and link to the additional content.
  • Stories: Add the Stories segment when you have articles or blog posts to link to. Keep in mind that while images are not required, for consistency, all story blocks should either have images, or none of at all. 
  • Downloadable resources: Add the Downloadable resources segment when you want to provide your audience with PDF resources such as fact sheets, reports, studies and white papers that are relevant to the campaign.
  • Events: Add the Events segment when you want to alert your audience to meetings, town halls, workshops, and webinars about or related to your campaign. You can choose up to two events to highlight in this segment.
  • FAQs: Add the FAQ segment when you have a minimum of three (max 10) frequently asked questions related to your campaign that will provide answers and additional context for your audience. 
  • Connect with us: Add this segment to feature social media and contact links for the VA administration responsible for the campaign. You'll have the option to select from one of four administrations (VBA, VHA, NCA or "Veterans Affairs").

Editorial Workflow

1. Click "Save as" and select a moderation state.

  • Use "Draft" if you are continuing to make changes.
  • Use "In review" as a note to yourself that another editor will be reviewing your changes (this is not an automated workflow).
  • Use "Published" when you are ready for the content to go live on after the next top of the hour content release.
  • Use "Archived" to unpublish a published node. This is the only way to unpublish content that is currently published.

2. Enter a brief "Revision log message" about this changes you made this time. This is helpful for revision history.

3. Click "Preview" for a single-page preview on a preview server (not the World Wide Web). Links on the preview page won't work; clicking on them will produce an error message.

4. Click "Save."

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