Title Operating status | VA Walla Walla health care VAMC system VA Walla Walla health care System-wide alerts Coronavirus (COVID-19) Facility operating statuses Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Center La Grande VA Clinic Lewiston VA Clinic Richland VA Clinic Yakima Valley VA Clinic Morrow County VA Clinic Wallowa County VA Clinic Patient resources Patient resources Emergency: 911 Veterans Crisis Line: 988, select 1 24-hour nurse: 888-687-8863, select 3 Change your appointment: 509-525-5200, select 2 and 2 Eligibility/enrollment services: 509-525-5200, ext. 26742 Media inquiries: 509-525-5200, ext. 26520 or 509-386-1117 National Veterans Helpline: 800-507-4571 Patient advocate/representative: 509-525-5200, ext. 26723 Pharmacy refill: 509-525-5200, select 1 Staff locator: 509-525-5200, select 0 Telephone care: 888-687-8863 Walla Walla VA police: 509-525-5200, ext. 26193 or 26194 | 509-527-6135 Local emergency services IDAHO: Idaho Office of Emergency Management Idaho State Police Idaho Transportation Department OREGON: Oregon Emergency Management Oregon State Police Oregon Department of Transportation WASHINGTON: Washington State Emergency Management Division Washington State Patrol Washington State Department of Transportation