Mission statement:
To promote the health and well-being of family Caregivers who care for our nation's Veterans, through education, resources, support, and services.
Care we provide at VA Portland
If you are a caregiver for a Veteran, you can get support by contacting a VA Portland caregiver support coordinator. by calling 503-273-5210.
We can help with:
- Getting caregiver assistance available through VA
- Matching you with services and benefits
- Connecting you with local resources and programs
Supportive Counseling, Linkage to VA & Community Supports:
The VA Portland Caregiver Support Program staff is available to support Family Caregivers in their role and to link Caregivers to VA and community support services. In addition, the team supports Caregivers in improving their health and well-being through both practical coaching and emotional support. This support is available to Family Caregivers both by phone or in person, by appointment.
Caregiver Support Line (CSL) Monthly Education Calls:
The Caregiver Support Line offers monthly telephone education groups, where caregivers can discuss self-care tips and ask questions on a variety of topics.
Do you know a caregiver caring for a Veteran with Dementia?
Encourage them to join June’s CSL call for the 'Three Cs of Caring for Someone with Dementia;'
- Communicating
- Coping
- Connecting: A Book Bag of Self-Care Tips.
Caregivers must register to join the CSL monthly education call.
To register, call 855-260-3274.
Want to learn more about the monthly calls?
Listen to a recording or view an educational handout
Building Better Caregivers:
Building Better CaregiversTM (BBC) is a six-week online interactive workshop for Caregivers who are caring for someone with dementia, memory problems, post-traumatic stress disorder, a serious brain injury, or any other serious injury or illness. BBC helps Caregivers in two key ways: it offers training in how to provide better care, and it also helps Caregivers learn how to manage their own emotions, stress and physical health.
Peer Support Mentoring Program:
The National Peer Support Mentoring Program is a program that matches Caregivers with peer mentors, who can provide personalized support, guidance and friendship, experience and knowledge, and wisdom and skills about thriving as a Caregiver.
Self-Care Courses:
Self-Care Courses are 3-hour classes for Caregivers of Veterans of all eras, taught by licensed health care professionals. Each course will include lecture, small group discussion and time for personal planning.
Caregivers of Veterans with dementia or memory loss are eligible to participate in interactive sessions with the Caregiver Support Program staff. The program is designed to enhance Veterans and Caregivers' health and well-being. This includes assistance with stress management, information on caregiving and dementia, community resources and coping strategies. This is offered either face-to-face or by telephone.
VA's National Caregiver Support Line
VA's National Caregiver Support Line is a toll-free number for caregivers, family members, friends, Veterans, and community partners to contact for information related to caregiving and available supports and services.
Learn more about the VA Caregiver Support Program.
8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET.
VA Portland Caregiver Newsletter