
RN Residency Programs

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RN Residency Programs
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VA Maine’s Nursing Services is recruiting new graduate nurses for the Post-Baccalaureate RN Residency (PBRNR) Program and the RN Transition-to-Practice (RNTTP) Program.
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VA Maine New Graduate RN Residency Programs

VA Maine’s Nursing Services is recruiting new graduate nurses for the Post-Baccalaureate RN Residency (PBRNR) Program and the RN Transition-to-Practice (RNTTP) Program. The PBRNR and the RNTTP are comprehensive 12-month programs designed to assist the post-baccalaureate graduate nurse in the transition from entry-level, advanced beginner nurse to competent professional RN. For questions, please contact Latricia Pawson, Interim Program Director via email at Latricia.Pawson@va.gov or call at (207) 623-8411 ext. 4457. For more information, please read through the Graduate Nurse Residency Programs flyer below.